C H A P T E R 5

22 4 0

I FOUND myself standing on the steps of the Chicago headquarters that the government built downtown last summer. It's where my dad works and where everything that destroys the Specials is. I had a plan. I would claim to be here to work an extra shift. The rude lady at the front desk will tell me to go get my stuff from my locker and hurry my ass of of here. I'll use my weapons to aid me in escaping and...

I felt a calloused hand snap over my mouth and forced me down again and again as I felt a tight straining on my arms. I felt a quick sting in my right forearm that hurt tremendously, and the pain carried on after the shock was gone. After that I felt dazed and everything was blurry. I bit at the rough flesh, but it only caused my captor to squeeze my face harder after breaking for a second, forcing me weaker. I tried to squirm but I could barely move. I bit again, several times, however I only half knew what I was doing. Instantly, his hand shot off of my face, when I tasted the bitter taste of blood on my teeth. I took that opportunity and ran, clutching my two bags tightly, and sprinting down the steps into the busy streets. But everything seemed frozen. The cars were no long moving in the air and on the land and a train ahead was frozen in its tracks. I maneuvered around still people, standing in a walking position but not moving. Many were frozen in conversation, with their mouths still open. While running, I had to duck, because even a bird was stationary in the air. I remember sprinting towards the black water of Lake Michigan, but nothing seemed right. My thoughts wouldn't finish and my eyes felt so heavy that I could barely keep them open. I grew dizzy and my running slowed, and I began falling into the stationary people again and again, until my eyes finally closed and I just fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was...


As soon as the first glimpse of light seeped through the slight opening of the car's hood, I jumped. I pounced onto whoever it was opening it. I didn't care whom I was hurting, just that they got hurt. I was so angry. I recognized the white suit as I fought, and pushed myself even harder. I hated my captor even more just for wearing that suit. I took my hands and banged my fists against the sides of his head, desiring to make it so he could not hear or see for at least a few seconds. I wrapped my legs tightly around him like an animal on his back, strangling him. Except he was the predator and I was the prey. He was stronger than me and I couldn't help that. In less than a minute of my strangling, he threw me off and tossed me to the ground so easily that I could've been a candy wrapper. I was that light to him. I sat, though bruised, on the concrete and watched him. Despite that I was nothing more than prey, I'd obviously left a mark, seeing that he was now covering his ears, moaning blindly. I mustered up every ounce of anger regardless of its cause and forced the truck I'd been held captive in from the ground higher and higher until it hovered over the man. I stayed positioned on the ground, completely still, focusing my mind, as I elevated it more and more to create all the more damage. I was so consumed in anger I'm not sure if I even know what I was doing, but still, I kept levitating it until I heard a voice echo throughout the hiding place. "No! Stop!" it called, yelling. And out of a coalition of shock, horror, and fear, I dropped the truck. My attacker was under it.

I turned to see a woman on the verge of tears standing in front of the dark shadows. I then noticed that we were in a cave. She held out her hand, trembling, as if ordering me to stop. It was too late. Maybe he wasn't a government official. I looked, unsure of what to believe. The only things visible were his legs that lay there so motionless; that there was no doubt that he was dead. The woman's face had gone to a blank pale and she looked just as motionless, as if the shock left her frozen. She looked as if she was searching desperately for something inside her to lift the truck. She struggled immensely, but nothing was working. She kept moving her hand, but still there was nothing. I think I saw a tear roll down her cheek, but she shifted trying to hide herself. She turned to go, but couldn't bring herself to move. She stood there with her back to him. I stood the same way, unsure of where I was to go. Either to her, or run away. But I don't think I can run away from this. However, running is always easier.

INCAPABLE - BOOK I: THE FALLENWhere stories live. Discover now