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ONCE my mom told me that we, as humans, only fear what we do not know and that that is the sole reason for violence. We do not know what is to come of something, so in retaliation, we immediately fight it off before we can ever find out. Before we can ever see if there is any beauty in it. My mom is gone now. Along with any sanity we as a people have left.

We as humans can only utilize ten percent of our brains at a time. However, is it possible to use more of it? Is it possible to comprehend what we as humans fail to comprehend? We will never understand what we can achieve. What we can amount to. Ever. That is, until now.

The year is 2193, and the world is at war. But it is not World War XII or anything. We, humans, are at war with each other only because of what we are, and what we can do.

My great-great grandfather was a U.S. historian whose books were passed down to my father. I read in one of his first albums that, millenniums ago, the citizens of the United States fought vigorously over the enslavement of imported Africans. Some people, most of the north, felt that it was wrong for man to enslave man, however, contrastingly, the people of the south believed that the black men were not to pass as humans at all, but were merely God's gift to them as slaves. Even with the small support for the humane cause, it was rooted as a result of economic reasons, rather than those humane. At the time, I felt that this was just silly. By the depictions in the album, the enslaved Africans were obviously human, for a blind man could see that. They just had darker complexions. I was twelve. And I didn't really know what race was. I still don't.

Race doesn't really matter to people so much anymore, because people have grown to realize that it doesn't really matter what color you are outside, or what is different about you within. I thought that we had moved passed such ignorance. I thought we had concluded that those differences make us unique. I thought that we were done with all of that, and had put it behind us, hiding it under the rug, neglecting to forget it because we could still trip over it, but to remember and memorialize it. I thought we had learned from it all. I thought we had learned from it causing so many wars and outbreaks and problems and deaths. I thought we had learned from it destroying our country and the citizens in it. But I guess not.

We fear what we do not know, thus all we know is ignorance.

A few years ago, a woman by the name of Elizabeth Savage, I could never forget her name, for she is ultimately responsible, developed a serum capable of awakening parts of the brain that we alone fail to access, nevertheless fail to acknowledge or know of. However, with the helpful aid of the serum, we could not only access those previously thought 'dead' or unknown parts, but also master them and soon manipulate them into something new and mysterious... and dangerous.

I read in one of my great-great grandfather's earliest works, describing the first humans, that though it ultimately took millenniums for their brains to become fully functional, the first beings of the human race did eventually reach the apparently high average of ten percent brain usage simultaneously. I guess we never evolved. The serum, however, has the ability to allow us to be able to access more, at least forty percent more. The results were impeccably amazing. Students began excelling. Technology morphed into something only expected in another dozen decades. We were thriving and Savage was praised. The key word being was.

Within mere months, people began being able to do things that we should not be able to do. People gained the abilities to be able to levitate objects, manipulate the Earth, control the elements, like water and fire, and even push monuments without moving a muscle. That's when we got scared. Those who could do those things were rumored to be access almost, if not all of their brains. Easily, we as humans grew fearful, denying their species and began to execute those with such amazing abilities, causing many to go into hiding.

The government, our democracy, our people and our world have fallen.

People either hid their powers or themselves, attempting to be normal, because we, regardless of what we believe in, or what we can do, we are forever scared of the unknown. But the truth is, none of us are normal. Everyone's definition of normality is different, making it humanly impossible for anyone to ever accomplish the craved label of "normal". Then again, everything we have grown capable of was once described as humanly impossible. By those standards none of us are human. 

Not even me.

INCAPABLE - BOOK I: THE FALLENWhere stories live. Discover now