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The name's Sammie Payne. Yes Liam Payne's sister. I love my brother so much but I haven't seen him in forever. Only Liam knows I'm his sister and he loves me just the way I am. Even if I'm Irish and I have red hair and emerald green eyes. My father cheated on Liam's mum with my mum. My mum past about a year ago so I live by myself. I've never had a boyfriend. I'm not a virgin. On top of that all is... I'm pregnant. I know what you're thinking. Why is a 18 year old pregnant?

Trust me. It wasn't my choice. My best friend is Danielle Peazer. Yes, Liam's girlfriend. She stays with me when she can, but other than that I don't get to see her much. Any who, Liam just called me and asked if he could stay at my house since they're on break and he wants to spend time with me. I happily agreed and I have to pick them up at the airport in an hour. I'm either gonna love today or hate it.


"Okay, guys' I have rules for when we stay at my sister's house." I said to the boys as we were on our private jet. "Well tell us then." Louis and Niall said at the same time. I looked at the other boys' and they finally shut up. "Okay. First, you absolutely can't mention a name. It's Chris. Don't say that name." I said. Chris was a person who... did... just very bad stuff to my sister about five months ago. She also says I'm in for a surprise when I see her. "Second, you're not aloud to ask about her past. Third, you can't tackle her when you see her, Louis." I said to him. He huffed and said, "Fine."

+one hour later+

As the boys and I got off the plane I looked around for my sister. I couldn't find her though. I walked up to a pregnant women and tapped on her shoulder. "Yes can I he- Liam!?" She said turning around. I knew this pregnant women. She was my sister. She crushed me into a hug and I hugged her tightly back. I never wanted to let her go. "God, I missed you." She said pulling away. Just then one of the boys' sneezed, and she glanced over there. Then I heard, "Good job Zayn you ruined their moment."

Louis had said that. "You guys. This is my sister. Sammie ." I said gesturing to her. Sammie waved at the boys'. Then Louis asked, "Can I give you a hug? Liam said I couldn't." She giggled and said, "Sure. If you want to give a pregnant lady a hug." Louis smiled and crushed her into a hug. All of the boys' chuckled. I noticed Niall was particularly interested with my sister. They'd be a good couple, it wasn't going to happen because he's my best mate, but they're both Irish and they love to eat. "How about we go home?" Sammie said as Louis let her go. He stuck his tongue out and said, "Ha! I did get to hug her!" I laughed and said, "Let's go before paparazzi notice us."

Everyone walked to her car. I expected it to be a range rover or something but it was the complete opposite. "Where did you get enough money for a Lamborghini?" Zayn asked admiring her car. She laughed and said, "I used my mums' money that she me left me when she died. I needed a car so I bought this white beauty right here." She said patting her car. "Okay. I'll drive. Sammie you're in passenger seat the boys' in the back. Louis you can sit in the middle in the front."

I said getting into the driver's seat as Sammie buckled in her seat belt, her round stomach nearly touching her mid-thigh. As I pulled out of the parking lot Sam turned on the radio. A song by Selena Gomez was on. As I drove I realized I didn't know she could sing so good. Even the boys' thought it. We have such a strong connection we can feel what everyone is feeling. Just kidding. That would be cool though.


As Sammie was singing I realized that she was really good at singing. I shouldn't be surprised. She's is related to Liam so she should be able to sing. As we pulled up to a house well I should say mansion. "This is your house?" Louis asked. "Yeah. It was my mums'." She said. She talked about her mum like her mum isn't Liam's. Guess she'll tell us on her own time.


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