Asuna huffed. Why was she grounded? She wasn't meaning to be rude. Her mom never listened to her. Asuna couldn't wait to move out, which reminded her. She had to go to work at 4:00. Asuna worked at a retirement home as a receptionist. She didn't hate her job, but she didn't like it much, either.

Asuna looked at the clock. It was 2:30. She had to get ready if she wanted to be on time. Asuna close the box and took it with her upstairs. She set it on her desk and then put on her makeup. She took out her new ankle boots. She set them by the door and then grabbed her purse. She rummaged through it to make sure she had everything. Where was her phone?

Asuna looked around in her room and almost started tearing it apart in search of the phone. She almost face palmed when she realized that it was in the kitchen on the island where she had set it down to get her food. 

Asuna picked up her shoes and took them with her out the door, along with her purse, coat, and nuggets. She walked down stairs and took one last swig of her water, before putting the cup in the sink. She set her boots down, taking off her house shoes and stepping into them. They weren't broken in all the way, so that was why she had to wear them. She would be sitting most of the day, so it wouldn't be so bad. 

Asuna grabbed her keys and got into her white Nissan. She pressed the button for the car to start. It came to life with a hum. She put it in gear and backed out of the drive way. As she drove to work, she munched on her nuggets. She would be able to finish them when she got to work.

Asuna pulled up to a stop light and saw a familiar car pull up next to her. She looked through the windows and saw Kirito's aunt, Midori. She waved. Asuna waved back and then turned to face the light just as it turned green. Asuna turned left and continued on down the road. 

When Asuna got to work, she was cutting it close to being late. She walked in the door and scanned her card. The light on the scanner turned green and unlocked the door to the employees entrance. Asuna walked down the hallway to the lobby where she would spend the next 5 hours doing paperwork. She liked it more when she was dealing with people coming in to visit their loved ones. 

Mrs. Matsuda was in the lobby. Mrs Matsuda was on of the ladies living there. Asuna was a favorite of hers. She was always talking to hr about her grandchildren or her son, who had recently come to visit her. 

Asuna sat down in the office cahri she worked in and logged onto the computer to get started on the evening shift. Mrs. Matsuda rolled over in her wheelchair to greet Asuna. 

"Hello, Dear. How was your weekend?", she asked sweetly. Asuna smiled and said, 

"It was great. I had a date with Kirito and got to hang out with my friends a lot. We had fun together."

"That's wonderful. I watched a Christmas movie on T.V. about a couple that had split up, but then they got back together. It was sweet. I watched it this morning again. I probably spend too much time watching tv, but what else is there to do around here?", she said the last part jokingly. 

Asuna felt bad for Mrs. Matsuda. She was such a sweet lady, but she was confined to this place without many visitors. Asuna had given her a gift last Christmas. It was a little white teddy bear that had a little Santa hat on and mittens. She loved it. 

Asuna wanted to do something to make her feel less lonely. She thought about it for a moment while Mrs. Matsuda was taking her pills, which she had just gotten from a nurse that Asuna didn't know. 

An idea came to Asuna. She checked her schedule on her phone to see if it was alright. She still didn't have anything to do. This week and the next would be a slow one. 

All I Needजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें