Chapter 19 - Fixing

Start from the beginning

He frowned searching my face. "You can let it out," he said as I dribbled the ball.

I saw him sitting on the bench as i sighed heavily. "What did I do to her? " I said loud enough for him to hear

"I don't understand, " I paused, dribbling the ball harder, "why would she do this."

"First she says I'm not allowed to see you anymore, then I see her doubting me." I slammed the ball at the hoop, when it surprisingly got in. I let the ball fall, as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Then she calls me fat, and an eye freak." That was when I broke down. Ross patted the spot next to him, making me sit next to him.

"Why would she not let you hang out with your best friend ?" He asked as I untied my ponytail to adjust it. "She thinks I'm using you for fame."

"I know you don't." He said turning to me. "Of course i don't. Sometimes, I completely forget you're in a band, or that you're in a Disney show, because none of that matters," I paused in frustration, "you're what matters to me. You're the only friend who knows my darkest secrets, you're the only one I'm able to open up to, you are the only one whom I trust in every way possible. " i said as tears slipped down my cheek. He sighed rubbing my tears with his thumbs.

"Don't cry, tomorrow is going to be a great day, and they are leaving, I know you can hold on Hailey. " he said grabbing my hands.

"But she has been treating me shit for the past two weeks, Ross. I hear the same horrible words every single day." I replied sniffing softly.

"And I hope you don't believe them, because I know you're none of what she says. Don't let them get to you."

i beamed as he rubbed my knuckles. He returned the gesture, and took of his jacket to put it on me. "You can sleep at ours today if you don't feel comfortable with them."

"But Jason- " I got cut off by my phone going off. "That's Jason," I said as Ross nodded smiling at me.


"Hailes, are you okay?" Jason said through the phone. "Yes, I'm alright. Ross is with me. "

"If you don't want to come back home, it's okay. Because after you left, Mia went crazy. She actually threatened me to not tell mom and dad about any of that right before Rose came." He said causing me to smile. My brother is awesome.

"I'll pack one of your PJ's and your pillow, and send them to the Lynch's door. " he said as I heard Rose behind him fooling around.

"Okay, thank you Jason."

I hang up with him, placing the phone in my pocket. "Ill sleep over," I told Ross as he stood up, and we walked our way to his house. I saw Jason and Rose walking out our door, and to us, hand in hand.

"Hey Rose," I waved as she adjusted her glasses. Jason handed me the bag, before grabbing Rose's hand and putting it through his arm.

"I chose your Pajama, and you have an enormous amount of them by the way," she chuckled snuggling to Jason's arm.

"Staying in pajamas is fun," it's amazing how they can up my mood in a matter of seconds .

We laughed as I zipped up Ross' sweater to feel a bit more warm. "Good night."

"Bye, " they waved walking off, Rose whispering in Jason's ear. "No I'm not," he shouted laughing. She stood on her tip toes to kiss him before they entered.

"Doofs," I said as Ross chuckled opening the door for me, to be greeted by Delly. "I missed you, " she hugged me her blonde locks tied in a messy bun.

What You're Missing (Ross lynch fanfic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now