The Beginning of Betrayal

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I walked out the back of the building, stepping out into the alleyway. The sun had gone down, so there was only a creepy glow from a streetlight. Four people stepped out of the small black car parked there.
"Ah, there's our little pet," Depp said walking over. "We need a status report." I took a deep breath and looked down as his two thugs, Michael and Ashton, stepped behind me so I was surrounded by the 4 of them. "Come on, we don't have all night."

"I just... I cant betray them..." I said softly.

"May I remind you that if you dont do exactly as I say, I will put a bullet inside of your boyfriend's sister's pretty little head? So tell me what I need to know... my dear." I hated when he called me that. I felt a tear slip down my cheek and I looked up at him and Nick.

"Th-they discovered Taylor's been working for you. They took her off somewhere, I'm not sure where."

"I'm honestly surprised it took them this long to find it out, next? And you better have something good." I thought for a moment. What if Cayla was sent as a test? If I didn't tell them about her they would know and kill Ava.... but if they didn't really know, Cayla would find out and probably reveal me to the group... "you're trying my patience Caitlyn. Tell me more." I took in a deep breath and looked up.

"Annika King..." I said.

"Annika King?" Nick asked.

"And Will Poulter... th-they showed up. They're up in the apartment now..." I looked back down.

"Really? Did they have any files?" Depp asked.

"I'm not sure, Urie made Will leave the room with him and a few others, I'm not sure why.."

"Interesting... we've been searching for them for the longest time..."

"What should we do about it?" Nick asked.

"We wait. We can't go up now and blow our sweet Caitlyn's cover now can we... good work, my dear. Anything else?"

"That's all," I lied. "Although, why did you find it necessary to drug my brother, Thomas, and I?" I asked. He smiled wickedly.

"Because Thymos brings out the true loyalty of a person. And we needed to be sure you wouldn't spill about working with us. And as for your brother and your little boyfriend, well, we just wanted to see how that would play out," he laughed. "Good talk, we'll meet up again, very very soon." He smirked and turned to walk away. "Boys, give Nicholas and Caitlyn a moment," He demanded. The two boys followed him to the car.

"What do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms as he stared at me.
"I just had to ask... do you really love him? Thomas I mean. Do you love him?" Yes. But I'm not telling you that.

"I don't think I'll ever love anyone... It was kind of ruined for me..." I said. He looked at the ground.

"I know what you think, but I never wanted to hurt you..." he said brushing a strand of hair from my face, placong a soft kiss on my lips, and with that, he turned and walked to the car. I quickly turned and walked back into the building, into the lobby. I sat alone on a bench, hiding my face in my hands. I just wanted this all to end.
I felt someone sit next to me, and I glanced up, seeing Thomas.

"Hey, you just disappeared and I though maybe they took you again... are you alright?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.

"I'm fine, I just needed some fresh air," I lied looking back down.

"I'm really sorry about Annika," he said. "She doesn't know when to shut the hell up."

"Do you love her?" I asked. He looked down at me surprised.

"Of course not. Honestly, I dont think I ever truly loved her. And after what she did... no. I can never love that terrible woman... I love you, Caitlyn. Alright? Only you." I looked back up at him and smiled.

"I love you too... and I don't ever want to lose you..."

"You never will," he said hugging me. If you found out the truth I would... but for now, this is all I had. And I would cherish his love as long as I could.

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