Distasteful Feelings

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I sat on the chair across from the couch, where Will and Annika sat with Dylan. Cayla was in one of the back rooms watched by Calum, who had returned with Luke. Grant, Luke, and Brendon stood leaning against the wall, staring at the two visitors and Thomas sat on the arm of the chair next to me, not making eye contact. All he could do was stare at Annika while nervously biting his thumbnail. Of course he would state at Annika... she was beautiful. Why they ever separated was a mystery... He had told me that he loved me, but he wasn't even looking at me now... of course it was probably a lie... my entire life was a freaking lie at this point. The way he looked at her now... he had a slight light in his eyes, he never had any sort of light. He must be in love with her... not me. I looked down at the floor. I just wanted all of this to end already!

"Will, Dylan, Grant, Luke; kitchen, now. We have to talk about something and we cant have Cayla overhearing from the other room. You three stay here, we'll cue you in later," Urie said. Before anyone could say anything he was walking out of the room. The other four quickly stood up to follow. Dylan glanced between the three of us nervously before reluctantly following, leaving me alone with Thomas and.... her. I didn't look either of them in the eyes.

"So...." Annika said. "It's really been a while hasn't it... what's it been, two years?"

"Try five..."

"Oh... right. Well you seem to be doing well... I mean, you look great. You look a lot happier than you were..." Seriously? This is him being happy?

"Well I moved on..." he said bitterly, not looking her in the eyes. Whatever happened between them must have been bad... she didn't say anything for a minute.

"Um... I don't think you and I have been properly introduced," she said changing the subject, looking at me. "I'm Annika King, I was a part of the alliance when it first started," she said holding a hand out to me.

"Caitlyn O'Brien..." I said, not shaking her hand.

"O'Brien? Caitlyn O'Brien, you're Dylan's sister! There's you and Julia, yeah?"

"There was me and Julia... but not anymore..."

"Oh I'm so sorry... how did you get wrapped up in all of this mess?"

"Oh you know... I moved here with my fiance who got me a job at the firm and then he ended up being a total jack ass/psychopath..." I said, looking her dead in the eye with a straight face.

"Who was your fiance?" She asked curiously. I didn't really feel like talking about Nick... I just looked down and didn't reply.

"Who he was doesn't matter anymore," Thomas cut in for me. Whenever anyone brought up Nick he got really defensive...

"That bad of a guy huh?" I really didn't feel like talking to her. I didn't like her... at all. "So are you two like a thing now?" She asked suddenly. I didn't reply. I really didn't know what the hell we were...Thomas didn't say anything either. "I don't mean to pry or anything, but you're just... you both seem kind of tense with me right now, and so I assume-"

"You should seriously stop assuming things," Thomas said coldly. "Its the main reason I was glad you left..." I looked up and saw her hurt expression. There was obviously something huge here that happened. I mean I know Thomas was a jerk to most people to push them away, but this was different.... this was sincere hatred.

"I told you I was sorry... can't you just accept it?" She asked sitting back on the couch.

"You had a chance to save her, and then you assumed again and she's still going through hell, because of you!"

"He said the only way to save her was to let you die, how was I supposed to let that happen?"

"See look there, you just assumed I wouldn't willingly give my bloody life for her..."

"I knew you would! And that's why I said no. I loved you, I couldn't possibly watch you die. That would kill me."

"Well you practically killed Ava because of your deal... so I would be fine with that..." she could have freed Ava? I don't know what I would have done in her position, either free her and watch Thomas die, or keep her locked away and keep Thomas... I don't think I could bear watching Thomas die... would he be mad at me now for working with Depp to save Ava, or would he be upset? Ugh, I just don't know what to do...

Suddenly my phone began to ring from my pocket. I pulled it out and saw the caller ID.... it was Nick.

"I need to take this... it's my mom," I lied. I stood up and walked out into the hall, out of the apartment, before answering.

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly. I was in no mood for his games.

"What, no hello?" He asked, the smirk evident in his voice.

"What. Do you. Want?" I repeated.

"Fine, cranky pants. We need to talk. Meet in the alley behind you apartment building, 3 minutes, don't keep us waiting."

"Are you going to attack me again?"

"Calm down Caity Cat, you'll be fine." And with that he hung up. I glanced at the apartment door and closed my eyes. Please don't come looking for me...

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