|2| Keith Moon - p. 1

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Ghost Reader! AU

You couldn't quite remember how you got here or even why you were here, but it was easy to tell you weren't you anymore. Well, at least you weren't exactly human. No, a human couldn't be walked through, couldn't go unnoticed as frequently as you did, or have such a hoarse voice that it went through different frequencies.

It took maybe a few weeks for you to find out that you were in fact a ghost, but how you had died was still a mystery. Your life was felt, but not remembered. The only thing you could remember was your name.

The house you stuck in for an eternity had been empty for the most part, and aside from the occasional visitors, no one stayed.

You didn't know how long you were there when he had finally arrived. It could have been a few weeks, months, years, decades . . .

It was just so out of the blue that when the door opened, it frightened you.

"Ah, it could use a fixer upper," Said a British voice, "But it'll do just fine!"

"It better for how much it cost!" Called another.

As you flew towards the doorway, you caught sight of a dark haired man smiling with bags laid around him.

"Keith, don't forget your damned drum sticks."

"Hold on, Pete." The man, now known as Keith, spat as he gave the house's entrance a good look. You moved closer to Keith and looked at him intently. You found him intriguing - quite possibly the most fascinating man you had ever seen. Or maybe you just hadn't seen anyone in a while.

Keith stepped forward and walked through you to walk into another room. It was an odd sensation when someone did that and you couldn't help but shiver.

"Blimey! It's cold in here, and it's the middle of June!" Keith called out and frowned as he came back to the entrance and went outside. He chatted with Pete while you watched the whole affair.

You had a feeling you were going to enjoy his company.

A/N: i thoroughly enjoyed writing this! This is way over due, but that was mostly due to writer's block! If you like this idea, as much as i did, i will update it with a second part! (:

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