|1| John Bonham

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You sighed, staring at the back of John who was far gone in sleep. You, on the other hand, couldn't sleep at all. You hadn't been able to sleep for the past couple days.

If you had to pick of all the things that caused this sleeplessness, you probably guess it was the sleeping man before you.

To a degree, it wasn't really his fault. No, in actuality it was your overthinking mind.

It had been over a year now that you had hooked up with John. Just the other week you two celebrated your anniversary by going on a special date. Now that you think about it, it was just after that anniversary that you started to get less and less sleep.

Though as silly as it sounded to you, you found it hard to believe that even after being with John for over a year, he's still yet to say 'I love you'. You tried to reason with yourself to why he hasn't.

Maybe it's too early in the relationship. Maybe he isn't that type. Maybe, just maybe, he doesn't actually love you.

You frowned, lying in the darkness as wave of depression washed over you. No, you knew he loved you. The way he was overprotective with you in public and the simple acts of love screamed 'I love you'. Maybe you haven't come to terms that physically showing love is better than physically saying it.

It wasn't till now that you had realized you were softly tracing your finger along John's back. You quickly drew your hand back, not wanting to wake him up. And it wasn't till then that you realized what you were tracing on his back.

You were tracing 'I love you'.

You bit your bottom lip, feeling the urge to just let out your emotions and cry. You were about to turn over was it not for John himself turning over and wrapping his arms around you. You'd be lying if you said you weren't the least bit shocked.

He pulled you close in his arms, placing his forehead against yours. His eyes were still closed, so you were not sure if he was doing this in his sleep. That is till you heard him mumble.

"I love you too."

And there it was. You felt a wave of both affection and relief wash over you. You laid a soft kiss upon John's lips, John returning the kiss tiredly, drawing your body ever so closer.

Moments later, you found yourself easily falling asleep in his arms.


A/N: so fluffy and angsty it hurts.

idea credited to a prompt on tumblr

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