Chapter 15: Suddenly

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This will be a short chapter but an important one.

Dedicated to ashley3411 shes a good friend of my and new to wattpad. She's planning on writing PLL and Castle fanfics so if your into that stuff follow her.

Spencer's POV
"Okay call me at least twice a day and text every hour okay?" I said as she walked me out of the door holding one of my bags.

"Of course I will. Your only going to be gone for five days. What could happen?" Rin said placing a kiss on my cheek as she dropped me off at the airport. "I love you Spence. I'll be fine. Tell your mom I say hi. Okay?"

"Alright. I love you to Rinny. Just be safe okay"

"I promise." She said as I pulled her into a tight hug. And with that I was walking into the plane.

*7 hours later*

I arrived in Las Vegas with my rental car waiting at the airport. As soon as I landed I drove to the facility that my mother lived in. "Hello Dr. Reid. Your mother is in her usual spot by the window. She's been looking forward to spending the holiday with you." Denise the lady at the front desk told me as I walked into the sanatorium.

"Thank you Denise. I've been to. " I replied. Then I made my way over to my mother.

"Spencer honey! How are you sweet boy?" I loved my mother. She was great. She used to read me stories and talk to me about anything. I've always felt guilty about putting her in here but she's been doing better.

"I'm great mom. How are you?" I replied while hugging her tightly. The only other person I've ever hugged this way was Rin.

"I'm good, I'm good." She replied pulling away with her arms on my elbows looking me in the eye. "Your thinking about that girl aren't you. The one you told me about in your letters."

I blushed at my mothers comment but I had to nod. I was a total mamas boy. "Corinne says hello and that she's sorry she couldn't meet you in person."

"That's sweet but right now tell me about this girl."

*meanwhile somewhere on a plane*
Corinne's POV
We were headed to Canada today apparently there was this big case they need international help on and the team was down one genius.

"Okay thanks baby girl," Morgan hung up the phone and walked over to the seat next to me and across from Prentiss and David. "So all of the victims had blonde hair, brown eyes, fit and successful in their field of work.Garcia just said that we have a witness Camilia Mancini (go follow vivacamila ) that puts our latest victim leaving a coffee shop five minutes before her time of death."

"Okay," Hotch stood up, "when we land Rossi and Prentiss you two will go to the station and watch the tapes the unsub is sending before he kills them and then go out, Morgan, Jennings and JJ you guys head to the crime scene and I'll question the witness back at the station. " we nodded in response to our respected boss.

The three of us piled into one SUV while the others hopped into the other. I lived driving with Derek and Jennifer, they were my best friends. " Corinne," Morgan looked into the rear view mirror to see me, "just be careful the unsub is targeting woman like you. Okay?"

"I promise Derek," i replied eager to get to the crime scene so I could tell Spencer that I was alright on my own.

We arrived on the scene about five minutes later ready to get to work. JJ had concluded that the unsub likes to watch what he's doing so he might be a first responder and Morgan and I agreed. While Derek got into the mind of the unsub and JJ as the victim, I wandered off to look for any evidence that the CSI might have missed. I then got a text message.

Hey. I landed about an hour ago. How are you babe.

I started to type my response but I heard a whisper in my ear, "hello Corinne, did you miss me?" I was about to shiver at the sound of this voice again but before I could,

suddenly everything went black.

CLIFFHANGER! You guys must really hate me! Keep commenting and voting. If the story can hit 100 votes tonight (24 more) I will come out with two chapters tomorrow!!!

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