Chapter 10: Some Nice Surprises

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Important A/N at the end of this chapter!! Make sure you Reid it.

Corinne's POV
When we landed everyone headed for the three different SUV's and hopped in. I was driving today for a change. Everyone had pulled out of the parking lot and started on grid separate ways. I continued to drive for about five minutes. My hand was on the center console and Spencer's was intertwined with mine. When I was sure that we were a good distance away from the rest of the team, I pulled the large car over to the side of the road.

"What are you doi-" he couldn't finish his question because I had cut him off by placing my lips on top of his while placing my arm around the back of his neck and using my other hand to play with his hair. Seconds after our lips met he reached over and pulled my as close to him as he could. After about two minutes I pulled away slowly and gently.

"I've been waiting to do that all morning." I said while giggling as I ran my fingers through his shaggy brown hair.

"Me too," he gave me a slight smirk and gave me a small peck in the cheek," now let's get going!" He giggled.

"Alright" i responded with a sarcastic sigh as I put the car into drive and pulled back onto the road.

We still had about twenty minutes to go after I started driving. As we drove along Spencer explained the sights we saw and told me about the place his mom was living. Through this whole time he squeezed my hand. Then when he'd get excited he would squeeze it harder causing my to cringe and him to apologize profusely. I couldn't help but giggle at him. Shortly after we arrived at the station. While walking in a gripped his hand until we got to the door and walked in. I flashed the officer at the front desk my credentials and we preceded into the building. A tall lady with long black hair waved us over.

"Hello I'm detective Shannon Murphy, I'm in charge of this case and was the one who called you guys in," she looked at Spencer and I with a puzzled expression, "umm is this your whole team?" She asked sounding concerned.

"Oh no ma'am. I'm Dr. Spencer Reid and this is SSA/MD Corinne Jennings. The rest of our team is out at the crime scene and are talking to the victims parents." Spencer reassured her. And I nodded as he spoke.

"Oh alright, the white boards and files you requested are set up in here," she explained as we walked through the police station. "If you need anything else just ask."

"Thank you Murphy," I said as she exited the room then I turned with anger in my eyes towards Spence, "why did you introduce me as MD?!"

"Well you are a Dr.!" He said giggling as he kissed me on the cheek. I was putty in his hands. I couldn't help but giggle along. "Alright, let's get to work," he said in a serious tone as he pulled his arms back from around my waist and sat down to look at the files.

I glanced down at my watch, 5:30 only an hour and a half longer today then I'd be fast asleep in my hotel room. Spencer looked through the mothers files and I look through their children's. We decided to start with the sons who fit the description, brown hair, brown eyes and short for their age.

"Hey Spence what about this boy," I said pointing my eyes to the file I was reading, " eight year old Nate Bird. He passed away due to an allergic reaction. He was adopted when he was one month old and," I paused with a stunned look on my face.

"What Rin?" Spencer asked reaching his had across the table to lay on top of mine.

"He was born without his ring finger. And he died in 2010... A week before the first murder! Who's his mom?" I replied in a proud manner.

Spencer shuffled through his stack of files, "here it is, Nancy Bird." I pulled Garcia up into the video chat forgetting that Spencer and I were still holding hands.

"Hello my lov... Well what do we have here? Is Sperinne actually a thing?" She said with excitement filling her voice. Spence and I looked around both blushing to the extreme wondering how she found out then I saw remembered our hands and quickly pulled mine away. "OMG when!" She stood up abruptly causing Luna to start a barking fit but she didn't care.

I looked over to Spence and then back to Garcia, "after the club when he dropped me off. Just please don't tell anyone. We wanted to tell you guys really bad but we decided to wait. I'm sorry Penelope." I finished.

"You have my word boy and girl wonders. Now what can I help you with?" She responded. You just gotta love PG. The rest of the team walked in as she finished her sentence.

" Can you get us an address and information on a Nacy Bird." Spencer asked still blushing.

"Okie dokey. You have the file on her son, before she adopted Nate she was institutionalized for a year and had her uterus removed because of cancer. Her most recent address is 338 Newport Street. (A/N this is a made up address)

"Alright thank you Garcia," Hotch spoke up, " it's late so we'll go to her address tomorrow. As for right now we're heading to the hotel for a good nights rest. Good work Reid and Jennings." He said as he left the conference room.

'Finally' I thought to myself as I picked up my bag from the chair next to the one I was sitting in. JJ and Emily walked up to me and we linked our arms together and walked out of the building and to the car. It hurt me not being able to tell my best friends about Spencer and I. The girls ended up all driving together in one SUV and the guys in the other, leaving one at the station. We talked the whole ride there and hoped that a least two of us would be in the same room together. Hotch always left the rooming situation up to the hotel so it would get mixed up and he didn't have to deal with it. There was only one bend in the rule. Rossi always had to have his own room. After continuing our conversation and starting new ones we arrived at the hotel about fifteen minutes later. Everyone hopped out of the cars, grabbed their bags from the trunks and headed inside. We check in and the lady at the front desk told us the arrangements:

"Okay so we have a Morgan and Prentiss in room 138, a Hotchner and Jaruea in room 139, and Jennings and Reid in room 140." She finished and handed us the keys to our rooms and we all went our separate ways.

I unlocked our door and held it open for Spencer. I walked in and set my bag down on the floor next to the dresser when I felt two large arms make their way across my waist and a pair of lips on my cheek, "Well today is full of nice surprises isn't it?" Spencer ask as I turned around so we were now facing each other.

"Mm-hmm," I nodded as he pulled me in closer for a kiss. It was long and we drew it out before I pulled away. "Spence I'm tired. I'm just going to put on my pajamas and go to bed." I said as I walked away from him. His awkwardness caused his body language to change and him to ask if he did something wrong. I explained that I was simply tired and that was it. After i explained he walked to the bathroom to take a shower and I took off my work clothes and changed in to a pair of sweatpants from one of my old volleyball teams and a tank top. It felt like I had waited an for eternity to sleep. I slowly walked over to my bed as if I had bricks tied to my feet. When I finally laid down I got a text.

Heard you and little g man are sharing a room! Don't get to crazy. Remember: what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. 😂😏

I replied,
Hahaha very funny but I'm already in bed (a different one than Spencer's!). Better luck next time Pen😉😂.

I closed my eyes and before I fell asleep I felt a cold kiss on my forehead sending me off into my dreams.

So I was thinking about having a cover contest. So tell me if you guys are interested in that. Also I've gotten a few suggestions that are similar but different so I'm thinking that I might make a sequel when I'm done with this one. This book is maybe halfway done right now so I don't want there to be two or three huge events in this one. So let me know what you think about that.

Question 3: how much of a pleasure was it for Rossi when he met Corinne?

A New Dream: A Spencer Reid FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora