I felt my heart sink even further. All Dan wants is someone to cheer him up, a little voice whispered. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

He can't put that kind of pressure on you, another voice muttered, the angry, stubborn voice. He can't expect you to be perky 24/7.

I still felt upset, my stomach a cocktail of anger and guilt. I met Dans gaze and looked at him apologetically. His eyes flickered with anger for a moment before he lowered his gaze. The match of anger diminishes as I hand him the heavy jar of red sauce and grab a box of noodles.

The grey, squeaky cart is soon filled with all kinds of food, selections of colored cereal boxes littering the top. We make our way to the check-out.

The salesgirl is still trying to sell people the microwave. She confronts a couple, two young girls holding hands, and tries to sell them the £11 purchase. One of them looks extremely uncomfortable, and breaks away as the second smiles and waves away the offer. The first girl grabs a cart, and they make their way through the store, grabbing things as they walk down aisles.


"Hmm?" I break my attention away from the girls. Dan is holding a bag out in front of him. I grab it wordlessly and make my way to the doors.


"How are you?" A preppy girl interrogates a droll-looking school boy.

"Leave me alone," The boy says, making a face. The girl flips her bright pink hair.

I sigh heavily. "Daaan?"

"What, Phil?"

"I'm bored."


I sigh again, turning the obscure anime off. Dan turns from his chair at the absence of noise.

He looks beautiful, his chocolate brown eyes shining and his hair curling at the ends. He hadn't bothered to spend a lot of time straightening it. I love his hobbit hair, but he thinks it's hideous.

He makes a strange face, like he was trying to be sarcastic, but his despair accidentally fell through. He turns back to his laptop.

I lean my head on his shoulder. He flinches, but doesn't shake it off. I look at his Tumblr feed from my position.

I feel his head come to a rest on mine, probably ruffling up my hair. I feel fireworks explode in my stomach, and I hope he can feel them too.

I constantly live in fear. Even though I know he loves me back, I'm terrified that I will lose him. Nothing could prepare me for that, and I don't think anything ever will. I hope to God that nothing would ever change his mind, whether another beautiful boy waltzes his way, or I screw up.

"You okay? You're shaking," I am pulled out of my thoughts. Dan is looking at me, concerned. He gently closes the laptop.

"Y-yeah," I stutter, my thick voice giving me away. I clear my throat and try again. "I'm fine."

Of course he doesn't believe me, and the love I felt is replaced by guilt. Can't you let something be perfect for two minutes, Phil?

He leans into me and kisses me on the head. I feel the warmth of his touch explode from my forehead to the tips of my fingers. I tingle with delight.

I lift my face and lean into his lips, feeling his love course through my veins. He moves the laptop and pulls me closer. I melt into him, my legs around his hips. We stay that way for a long time, looking into each other's eyes, foreheads touching.

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