"I didn't feel anything" we both say at the same time, before laughing and hugging each other in relief. 

"I like you better as my best friend. " 

"Me too Loulou, me too. I'm glad we can move on now"

"You gotta be fucking kidding me"

I freeze at the sound of the voice, recognizing Harry's. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before turning towards him. 

Harry's point of view

A few minutes before

"Oh really ? If it didn't mean anything, why is the atmosphere so awkward and tense between you two ? Why didn't you just move on and keep acting like you did when you were best friend huh ?"

She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. 

 "That's what I thought" 

I leave the room, slamming the door behind me and head to the bathroom to clear my thoughts. I sit on the edge of the sink  and start to think about the whole situation. I knew this kiss wouldn't be a good idea. Louis was Char's first crush a long time ago, and seeing how they're acting right now, makes me think she's questioning her feelings for him. And for me at the same time. 

Or maybe I'm totally wrong, maybe they are being like that because they're embarrassed and don't know how to act towards each others without ruining their friendship. And yes, Louis was her first crush but it's past and I'm sure she loves me now. She proved it to me countless times. We've had such a complicated relationship in the past, it wouldn't make sense for her to cause pathetic problems in our relationship again, just because of one stupid truth or dare game. Instead, I should be there for her and help her to fix her friendship with Louis. 

On that last thought, I stand up and leave the bathroom to look for her and tell her I'm not bearing a grudge against her.

But what I see when I find her is above everything I was expecting and turns my blood to ice.

Louis and her are kissing. He has his fucking hand on her face and they're kissing deeply. What the fuck. Then he pulls back and both of their faces illuminate with a wide smile before they laugh and hug each other. They start talking but I'm too far to hear what they're saying. 

 "You gotta be fucking kidding me"  

They both freeze noticing I'm here and turn towards me, cheeks blushed in embarrassment. 

"Harry, it's not what it looks like" Charlotte speaks. Of course she would say that.

"Oh really ? 'Cause it looks like you've just kissed Louis" he snaps

"Harry listen !" Louis begs behind her, stepping closer to me as I step back.

"No, you listen ! I'm done listening to  your shit and seeing you acting like this with my girlfriend ! And you Charlotte,  come back when you've figured who you have feeling for"

My voice is low and I'm trying to hold back my anger. I shoot them a glare then turn on my heels and walk away. Charlotte catches me up and wraps her hand around my arm but I immediately jerk away.


"Don't" I snap

"Let me explain" 

"I have to go, the show is about to start" 

"But -"

With that, I leave her alone and get on stage with the boys, standing as far from Louis as possible.

The show goes on and not once I look at her. I stay at the opposite side of the stage, away from her. I'm not really into the show tonight, I don't dance as much as I usually do, I barely smile and don't talk. The tension between me and Louis on stage is more than cold; it's glacial. 

Only two more songs until the concert is over: infinity and then temporary fix. This time, I have to stand on her side since my micro stand is right in front of her. My eyes accidentally meet her when Niall starts singing his part and I bite my bottom lip,feeling my eyes watering. I can't cry on stage hell no, I'm brave. But then comes my part and I can't hold back the tears anymore.

'How many nights does it take to count the stars, that's the time it would take to fix my heart'

My eyes purposely meet hers, and I can see her crying as well. She caused this after all.

'Oh baby I was there for you, all I ever wanted was the truth'

Big tears are now rolling down my cheeks and my voice cracks. The stadium notices what's happening and starts cheering me up. Wow, that's embarrassing.

The song finally ends and I quickly leave the stage while Zayn introduces the last song.

"Harry !" I hear her shout. She's now standing a few feet away from me but I keep my gaze down and make my way to the bathroom.

"I don't have time"

When I exit the bathroom she's leaning against the wall, waiting for me. I ignore her and go back on stage when I feel her catching my arm. I freeze at her contact, realising she's just got on stage, in front of thousands of people. I turn back towards her and sigh, seeing that she's not totally on the stage and can't be entirely seen by the whole stadium.

"Are you crazy ?! Go back backstage !" I whisper

"Harry je t'aime, I love you !"

Her eyes are watering again and a big worried frown is spread on her face. We keep our gaze locked into each other's for a few seconds, forgetting all the people screaming around. 

I'm distressed by her words. It's the first time I've heard her say 'I love you' in French. It was so beautiful. I know those words have been said countless times and lost all their sense but this time it wasn't just like a normal 'I love you'. Not it was more than that, more convicting than that. Like when you say it to someone for the first time.

Suddenly I realise she's still gripping my hand and that she's still half on the stage so I gently jerk away and step back, joining the boys for the last song.

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