Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

A week passed before I heard from Brooke again. It was a busy week, though.

My parents were motivated to make our house look, well, home-y. They wanted all of the boxes gone as soon as possible. After breaking a sweat every day by unpacking like crazy, we had finally settled in.

My furniture fit well in my yellow room. I had a window facing the front yard (Brooke's house was also visible through this window), and I placed my white reading bench right beneath it. Small little hanging lights wrapped all around the room, lighting it up even more. My bed, with its black and white patterned comforter, was opposite my dresser, which was mirrored and had cute little jewel pull-knobs.

I sat on my reading bench, satisfied with how everything had turned out. At that moment the doorbell rang, and a brief little tune echoed throughout the house. I would have to get used to that.

"It's for you, Ella!" Mom shouted. Surprised, I walked down the hallway towards the front door.

"Hey Ella!" There Brooke stood, wearing a pretty sundress. She smiled widely. The dress complemented her small waist, and it flowed down to just above her knees. Her coral lips matched perfectly, and her hair was once again in flawless blonde waves.

Meanwhile, I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Hi, Brooke. What's up?" I shifted so I was partially hidden by the door. I felt undressed, even though I had nothing special happening today.

"I'm throwing a party tonight!" Brooke squealed. "And I, of course, was wondering if you'd like to come. All my friends will be there, and you can meet them." She grabbed my hand, "it'll be really fun, I promise. Please come!"

"Yeah, I can do that," I heard myself say. "So should I uh, dress up?" I gestured to her outfit, unsure if I would be able to find something quite as flattering for myself.

"Oh no, it's just a little get together," Brooke waved her hand dismissively. "I always like to dress up nice, but everybody else will just be wearing casual clothes. So don't even worry!"

"Okay, what time is it?" I asked.

"Party starts at 6! And it'll last until, well, until everybody decides they want to leave!" She laughed. "My parents are out of town, they're vacationing. They tend to do that a lot in the summer, actually. So I like to throw parties!" Brooke beamed.

I was starting to hope that Brooke wasn't just another dumb popular girl. Maybe she was just really excited about her party? She stood twirling her blonde hair in her hand, and she still hadn't wiped that smile off her face.

"So you're the only one at your house right now?"

"Oh, my brother Reed is home too! He's a year older than us, he just graduated. But he doesn't mind! He's friends with some of my friends, it's cool," Brooke nodded, babbling. "He usually just goes and hangs out on his own though, doesn't want to get too involved! You could say he's a bit shyer than I am," she whispered, as if it were some secret.

Reed. He must have been the one I saw when we first looked at the house.

"Cool, alright," I responded, giving Brooke a small smile. "I'm excited!"

"Me too!" Brooke said excitedly. "Okay, well I should go and start setting some stuff up. I'll see you at 6, Ella!" She waved over her shoulder as she turned around and left.

I shut the door and headed towards my bedroom again. Well, if the party turned out to be too much for me, at least I could walk right across the street and be home.

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