Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

They actually weren't too concerned about how long I was out. I walked through the front door and Mom, who was casually sitting next to Dad on the couch, said "back already?"

After saying goodnight, I made my way over to my bedroom. It had been an exhausting day; from picking up trash to going out and eating dinner with my family, I was busy every minute.

I collapsed in my warm, inviting bed and let out a sigh. Finally time to relax.

My hand was still balled up around the slip of paper Reed had given me. I unfolded it once again, staring mindlessly at the ten numbers that were scrawled across the paper. "Reed" was written sloppily at the top, as if he thought I might forget the number were his.

I pulled out my phone and made a contact for him. After it was all set up I opened my text messaging app. I wanted to start a message, perhaps just so he could have my number too, but I ended up going back to my home screen and staring at the photo I had chosen as my background.

There was Josh, his hair messy and his dark eyes looking into the camera. He never liked smiling with his teeth in photos, so he only ever smiled with a closed mouth—just like in this photo. I was beside him, laughing with my eyes squeezed shut.

I wondered what was so funny in that moment. It was becoming more difficult to remember our good times. But as soon as I found myself starting a message to him, I deleted it immediately.

I didn't know what to say to him either.

* * *

There was no sign of Brooke or Reed over the course of the next week. Every now and then I saw the two of them outside, tending to the yard, but their parents had returned and their lives seemed busier.

It was nearly July, and the heat was only becoming more unbearable. My parents were out on the porch a lot, soaking up the sun, but I preferred spending time inside. The last thing I wanted was to become as red as a lobster.

And oh god, the peeling. I had always gotten the worst sunburns as a kid.

It was a blisteringly hot day, a Thursday, when the doorbell rang for me once again. I opened the door expecting Brooke's smile and flowy hair, but I was surprised when I saw Megan instead.

"Hey!" Megan said, reaching out to hug me by wrapping just one arm around my shoulders. "We're all over at Brooke's, and you're part of the group, so come over!"

"Yeah, okay, let me just grab my shoes!" I scurried back into my room to grab some sandals, and then I followed her out the door.

"We like to get together as a small group from time to time, just the four of us. Cameron, Jonathan, Brooke and I. But now there's five because we want you there too."

"Wow, should I be proud of myself that I got into your selective group?" I wondered aloud, laughing lightheartedly.

"Hell yeah, we're choosy," Megan said, smiling back.

Once we stepped inside Brooke's house, I noticed that everybody was seated on the floor in the family room in a small circle. They were surrounding a bowl full of pretzels and a few glasses of water. Megan promptly took a seat on the floor beside Brooke, and I sat right next to her.

"Glad to see you again," Cameron said with a welcoming smile. "Seems like it's been a while!"

"Yeah, it has," I realized. I had only seen Cameron once during the party, and I hadn't even spoken to Jonathan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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