Chapter 7

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Peace's POV:

I still feeling like all was a dream, a beautiful dream cause my fiancée dead recently, my baby girl too and all my body still shakes for the fever and the excite to felt him into mine like one soul.

"Please, let me see her..let me see my baby girl!!". I'll start to yelled again and the tears cover my exotic face. - I feel a hand who squeezes my head and a familiar voice, the voice of my Matthew who tell me.

"Shhh, shhh everything is gonna be o'right my sweetie Peace. Don't worry for everything my beauty girlfriend".

But the echo on my head repeat those words like a curse, my curse. That damned curse never gonna let me alone.

Why when i try to rebuild my life this remembers appear at the superface again?

All i want is dessapear from this place and don't let the remembers eats me literaly.

Maybe thats gonna trastorn my life forever and i start to talk to my boyfriend Matthew.

"Matthew i can't continue with our relationship, you're so sweet but the remembers don't let me follow and rebuild my life with you".

"Why you don't let me help you? I'm here for you Peace remember. And i know you need someone who stay with you cause you're don't recovery get for all you pass and you're mentally ill. How i suppose to do if you try to kill yourself? I never gonna forgive me that. Please let me care of you my beauty asiatic amazona".

"Ok, maybe we need another opportunity to be together and still love you each other cause we deserve this new chance".

I told him with a sad smile on my face and he kiss me on my lips and all the bad things dessapear from my mind in that moment and i smile too him and my eyes fulled love for my beauty Matthew.

Matthew's POV:

I'll be how her eyes shines for the fever and her body shakes too for the warmt she has for the fever and for the exquisite sex we have.

But like a hunter her remembers doesn't leave her and hunt her all the time.

The memories of her fiancée and her beauty child, they gonna try to catch forever.

After two weeks she go out to the hospital and i invite her to my apartment to live with me. I decide to celebrate her birthday like she deserve, cause it was June 28 and she has 34 years old, 8 months of diference cause i birth in mach 9 1980 and she birth in 1979.

And i decide to give the engage ring to her, the ring i buy when she still in the hospital.

Infinity Yours (Matthew G. Gubler)Where stories live. Discover now