Chapter 4

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Matthew's POV:

I needed help to brought her to the Hospital meanwhile she was unconscious and totally hurting in a brutal way.

Then came Shemar Moore and AJ Cook, i begged them to help me cause she was very ill.

We carried her to the Saint Andrew Hospital cause she loose a lot of blood.

When we arrived with her to the hospital she stilled unconscious and needed a lot of care cause she was raped.

The nurses came and brought to her inside the room 2317, meanwhile i was waiting for the results of her exams and her testing blood, and if she is pregnant? She would cope with this situation? or if with be like the stockholm syndrome and she was loved for someone of her rapists?

Whatever it was i need to knew who hurts her and bring to her all the help she need in this situation and see what we'll do in that moment.

I don't know what i've done if she should falling in love of someone who aren't me?

Maybe danm myself for not to be more fast and tell her all my feelings.

Peace's POV:

I stilled unconscious and i didn't know where i'm. They started to made me blood tests and a pregnancy testing if i was pregnant for someone of my rapists. If it was Julian my half brother the father of my son or daughter?

Meanwhile i started to awoke up until an hour.

"Ma'am i want to talk whit the young man who brought me here".

"You need to rest dear and congratulations if i can say this cause you're pregnant for one of your rapists and he has the similar DNA of you, is part of your family?"

"Yes, his name is Julian and he is my half brother" - i thought maybe an abomination was in my belly, he is or she is gonna be a normal person or he has malformations?

Oh God and i start to thought in Julian if i gonna be in love with him? Maybe but all of this it was a confiuses situation, and weird cause it would probably to my child (like the horror stories) born with a pig tail, a nose or ears or with another thing who would him a weird child for his classmates.

Then Matthew appear "Hey dear Peace how do you feel now?"

"I'm feel good, i had marks, bruises, bites hits and a baby who growing in my belly and i don't know if he or she has

malformations in his body and if his classmates they're gonna laugh for his aspect. Only i hope is gonna be a normal baby and a good person in the future".

"Yeah obviously, but are you fall in love to the father of this child?"

"For my half brother Julian? Maybe i don't know, all of this is so strange, cause when i knew you i thought i was falled in love to you

but now i don't know maybe i fall in love to Julian cause in some way he tried to safe me for my others half brothers and their friends, he was brave cause his love for me was more bigger than his love for his brothers and his friends, he was a fighter who show me with all of this his love for me".

I saw his face and a constant mark of disappointment cover him, maybe he had the ilusion where i stilled love him but it wasn't, now i know i'm fall in love to Julian the father of this little baby who growing up inside me.

Whatever the baby would look, i love him so much like i love his father.

"So sorry Matthew, but i don't love you finally i know i'm crazy for my brother Julian and i have a crush with him".

"Ok Peace don't worry, but whatever you need just tell me, you can trust on me cause i want to be your friend".

"Thank's for everything Matthew, but i need to call Julian. Can you live me alone for a moment? Thank you, i really appreciate that" - Then when he went outside to the room i called my brother. "Julian how are you? Don't worry for me dear i fine, i calling to you cause i have a great notice to you, IM PREAGNANT AN YOU'RE THE FATHER OF THIS LITTLE BABY. Are you happy? Yeah dear i love you so much. Can you come to Saint Andrew Hospital? And come alone, be very carefully especially with your brothers. Take care a lot and i send you a huge kiss from my lips. Bye".

Meanwhile Matthew waiting outside, came to him Shemar Moore and AJ Cook.

"Poor boy, she doesn't love you but i know you so much and i know if you can, you bring your life to her". - Shemar told to him.

"Yes, you're a good man with noble feelings, who deserve someone better than she". - AJ told to Matthew.

"Yeah, she not deserves your love and your worries about her life and for all of this she has Julian the father of her son". Shemar replies to him.

Therefore Julian came to my room, he was more younger than me cause he has 27 years old and i have 33.

He was a handsome man, with green eyes and black dark hair whit an scultural body and tonified sculpture muscles, he was like Adonis and he bewitch me with his beautiful smile.

He came to me and kissed me on my lips in a strong way and touched my belly very carefully with fear to made a damage to our baby.

Infinity Yours (Matthew G. Gubler)Where stories live. Discover now