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Ayo! I'm back! I realize I can't stop writing this cuz I love you guys too much! And I felt empty not writing this. Anyway my recent update are all sad stories so I picked this one. I hope you enjoy~ request by @leechihoonforever


Leanne pov...

"Hwaiting! You can do this Leanne! It's not hard anyway." I cheered for myself infront of the full length mirror.

After calming down myself I went out of the washroom and sit down on the waiting area.

This is my dream, coming to this company is always my dream so I must past the interview.( It's not a entertainment company, its just ordinary company.)

"Miss Leanne?" A lady called and I quickly stand up." You may come in now."

The lady enter the room and I took a deep breath before going in.

"It's nothing Leanne, you can do this. They're just ordinary people like you. There's no need to be nervous." I muttered to myself. But after going in the room. My confidence are all gone. And I regret coming to here.

There's a guy and I think he's around my age, he's sitting in the middle so I think he's the boss? Like seriously why is he so young?! I remember when I traded the magazine, it wasn't him. It was a man who is way older than him. But they look alike though. Both handsome. What the hell?! Leanne what's wrong with you?!

I mentally slapped myself because of that. But my curiosity is killing me!

"Miss Leanne you may start." The lady said and immediately all eyes are on me.

"Uhm...ok..." I took a deep breath and continue. Don't let curiosity kills you." Hello there, I'm Leanne and working in this company is always my dream. I really hope I can work at here and help this company.(forgive me, I'm still young I have no experience at all.) " I bowed in the end.

I got worried when I saw them shaking their heads. But the boy expression never changed.

Why is he so young?! Is he really the boss?!

Gosh Leanne don't let curiosity kills you! That's what mom always say to me.

Gawd I can't hold it back anymore.

"Excuse me but are you the boss? I thought this company belongs to Mr.Kim? Where is he then?" THAT'S IT I'M DEAD.


"Miss! Watch what you're talking! How dare you talk like that to our boss" The lady shouted at me and ready to push me out of the room.

"I'm sorry, please let me continue..." I try my best to defend myself but there's more workers now.

"Stop." The boy said and the workers slowly move away. And I saw the boy stand in front of the desk, his left hand placed on top of the desk. And he's smiling?

Am I dead so I start seeing things?

"You're interesting..." He said as he walk closer to me. Gezz he is tall. "Tell me more about yourself."

I panicked. What should I say?

"No need to be nervous. Just imagine we're making friends with each other." He said with a warm smile.

I remain silence.

"How about this, I start first. I'm Kim mingyu, and I'm the son of Mr Kim that you said just now. My dad gave me this company a month ago. Now your turn." He crossed his arm and asked.

After hearing what he said. I felt less nervous. " I'm...I'm Leanne and I'm from Seoul... I just finished university....that's all..." I look at the ground.

I heard him chuckled.

"Congratulations. You're a worker of this company now." I'm shock for what I heard. So is the others worker.

"But Mr Kim..." The lady tried to say something but mingyu stopped him.

"You'll be my assistant from now on." He said and grabbed my hand. "And the first work is to bring me to a restaurant. im dead hungry. The interview is over. I found someone." Mingyu continue pull mg hand until we left the building.

"Threat me as a friend." He said as he pushed me to sit down and he sat across me.

"I don't know... Mr Kim..."

"Call me mingyu." I widen my eyes.

Is this how he usually act like? I mean aren't he a boss?

"Ok... Mingyu?"

"See It's not hard." He said and placed the menu infront of me.

"Feel free to oder." He said and winked.

I feel like I'm talking with someone younger than me.

Curious again huh?

"Mr Kim... I mean mingyu. Why are you acting like this." I asked.

He shut the menu and smile to me.

"You know, being born is this rich family is not easy you know. You get homeschooling and they want you to take over the company in a young age. And because if that I never have a friend. All the workers in the company is all those old lady. And finally I saw you! You can be my friend! And also my assistant at the same time! We both get what we want! Your job, my friend." He said while showing me his all teeth smile.

I smiled a bit realizing he is really a kind man.

"So what do you say, friends?" He reached out his hand and I hesitate before shaking it.


Time skip... Years later

"Leanne!" Mingyu called through the phone.

"Yes?" I asked while my eyes is glued on the paper work.

"Come in my office now."

"Sir, I still have a lots of paper work."

"I don't care come in. Now." He said with a serious tone. I immediately stop what in doing and sighed heavily.

"Yes sir." I said and hung the call.

I shut the file and went into mingyu office.

"You call me sir." I asked. He look at me and smirk.

"Yes, now close the door." He said. I sigh but do what as he said.

"Now what?" I asked while rolling my eyes.

"Honey!!!!kiaaa!!!" He immediately hugged me rightly and give me a kiss on the cheek.

"I knew it." I said and rolled my eyes again.

Yes yes. I married to mingyu about a year ago. We Saud we'll be friends forever but hey. Miracle happens right?

"Let's go home earlier today." He said and kisses my forehead.

"Paper works. You gave is the one who gave me a bunch of paper work." I said as I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"Ignore it. I want to go home already. With you." He said and kisses my neck.

"Ehh...no. I love my job anyway." I said and pulled out from the hug.

"Oh no this is not your job today. You got a job that is way more important than this. Is about the next generation of the Kim." He smirk and kissed my lips passionately.

I pulled out after awhile and ruffles his hair.

"Let's go home."


And you guys can continue imagine what's gonna happen next *evil smirk.
So, I'm back guys!!!! I didnt really stopped this book cuz here am I. I updated so many stories to day. I updated two chapter of my ikon fanfic and one chapter of my bts fanfic and this one. But I love it! Go and check it out. So thats for today see you guys next time. Remember to vote and comment kindly follow me too. Hehe lub ya guys!

-byun Nara-

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