Chapter 37: The Wedding (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Now, where to a dressing room?" I said to myself and made my way to the second floor then halalujahed when I saw a sign in scribble letters saying 'bridesmaid dressing rooms'

I had finished putting on my dress and curled my hair softly so it just touched the middle of my back, I smiled as I looked out the window and laughed when I saw Lexi yelling at a guy two time the size of her and he was saying sorry over and over again.

I sighed and looked at all the work that everybody was putting in to make the wedding for their Luna and Alpha perfect; It's strange, this whole day is strange. Everything is strange actually.

I unconciously touched the mark on my neck, Darius and I haven't fully mated yet, we just temporarily extinguished the heat; Darius insisted that we go on more dates since T.G.I Fridays months ago was our first one. I agreed.

Then my thoughts shifted to my sister, before she was a major whore but I feel like I shouldn't say that now; she's changed in many ways. She has mellowed out and calmed down, she is more mature now. Deep down I'm very proud of her for being who she is today and hopefully she stays that way.

"Jamie?" I heard the familiar voice of the woman I was just thinking about say from behind me, I stiffened and turned slightly from the window to look at her as she layed a huge wedding dress on a stool by the door.

"The dress looks beautiful, It should fit you nicely." I said as I half-smiled at her and gestured for her to sit in front of the mirror; Yeah, I was assigned to dress her and help her with what she needed when walking down the aisle. Naturally, the mother would have the honor of doing this but we don't have one so here I am..

"Thank you" she smiled timidly as she sat on the stool in front of the mirror and I plugged in the curling iron, I kept my focus on the curling iron to avoid the awkward silence.

"I'm sorry." I heard her barely whisper, I was shocked.

"What?" I asked confused as I took in her state, I grabbed a tisse to my left and handing it to her as I knew the waterworks were coming.

"I'm so horrible, you are my baby sister; how could I have done those things? I was so convinced that mom died because of you I thought you deserved what you got but it wasn't your fault you were just a little baby..a little baby Jack and I were supposed to love and care for but we were the worst of them all!  I miss you, I feel like I don't even know you; I don't. You're like a stranger to me and your my sibling! Hell, Lexi knows you better then I do and she isn't even related; I get so jealous of her, I'm so sorry! You only know my favorite things because I made you listen to me, you went through everything without me! Your first kiss, your first break-up, your first date. I wasn't even there when you lost your first tooth! Or when you got your first boo-boo! I-I-I" Gabrielle was holding on to the table as she thought of more things she missed out on in my life. 

"Gabs, calm down. breathe." I started breathing with her and kneeled down to her level as if she was a pregnant lady and she did too; soon enough she only had soft sobs and tear stains on her cheeks. I was even more shocked when she took me into a bear hug, I awkwardly hugged her back as tears threatened to spill; this was my first hug with my sister.

"I love you Jamie, I'm so sorry." She started to cry again and I could feel the tears through my dress, good thing it was black.

"You shouldn't be crying, you're getting married." I smiled at her as I pulled back and wiped off her tears; she just smiled gratefully at me and turned in her seat facing the mirror as I grabbed the, now steaming, curling iron.

"Tell me all about you" she said after a few moments of me curling her hair into a side bun and inserting a huge flower into the side.

"What would you like to know?" I asked as I looked up briefly meeting her eyes.

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