Chapter 3 - Home

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(A/N: Amy Poehler as Abigail Montgomery on the gallery :) )


"Just know you're not alone

'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home"
- Home (Phillip Phillips)


"Ashley, wake up!" these words awaken Ashley. "It's past seven already!"

"Wait, past seven?!" Ashley got alarmed as she heard her sister next to her.

Ashley was lying on a twin-sized bed with white bedsheets. She was wearing a loose old shirt and shorts.

"Yeah, you spent your time painting all day, yet you don't have a time to take a bath," Abigail reprimanded.

"Shut your pie hole up, Abby. I'm a grown-up. You don't have to scold me," Ashley murmured.

"Yeah, a grown-up who needs help because of her condition," Abigail reminded.

"Why do I even have this condition?" Ashley asked herself as she tries to stand up.

"Science has no explanation yet, but soon, there might be," Abigail answered. But then Ashley said as she sat on the bedside, "That was a rhetorical question."

Ashley stretched before standing up on the floor covered with linoleum painted in black.

The walls of her room is like 360-degree version of Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. From the ceiling to the floor, the painting is present.

"You have to pack your things," Abigail reminded. Ashley pointed at the big luggage at the corner of her room. Abigail placed her hands on her waist and said, "Seriously? Two stroller bags? You'll just be out for two weeks."

"Better be ready than sorry," Ashley defended as she went out of her room to prepare herself in the bathroom.


Abigail and Ashley went inside a small white family car. Abigail will be driving the said car. Meanwhile, Ashley, with a box of Chinese food, sat next to her sister.

Ashley was wearing a brown long sleeved shirt, denim jeans, and white Converse shoes. Meanwhile, Abigail was wearing her lab gown once again.

As Abigail started to drive to the countryside, Ashley asked as she eats her dinner, "So where will the 'experiment cabin' be?"

"Here in Silversky," Abigail replied.

"No wonder you only gave us five days to go out, the outside world is too bucolic," Ashley assumed.

"Actually, the reason why we gave you five days is because we can't watch you outside," Abigail clarified.

Suddenly, Ashley realized something which made her disgusted. "Oh shit, you installed hidden cameras inside the house?!"

"Of course, like ten of them! We have to see your progress!" Abigail answered.

"Even in the bathroom?!"

"Of course not! We value your privacy! We're not perverts!" Abigail disagreed in a shouting manner.

"Oh thanks, that'll be so gross," Ashley sighed.


Abigail and Ashley reached the destination. It was a red wooden cabin-like house with brick roof and chimney. It also has a small wooden porch lit my two white lights. Abigail parked the car next to a silver sports car in the front yard.

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