Chapter 6

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"Dr. Bryan. I thought you had gone," said Dr. Leland, surprised to see Dr. Bryan entering her office.

"I'm going," he replied. "I just wanted to see him one more time."

"Do you really think that's advisable?" asked Dr. Leland, raising an eyebrow.

"No. But I'm leaving Gotham so I doubt we'll meet again. He's usually too preoccupied with Batman to ever leave this city, isn't he? And I'd regret not having some final words."

Dr. Leland sighed. "I'm really not allowed to do this," she muttered, slipping him the keys. "So if anyone asks, you broke into my office and stole these. I'll knock over some plants to make it look realistic."

"Don't tell Miss Ivy," replied Dr. Bryan, grinning. He made his way down the hall into the cell blocks, and then went down the stairs to the solitary confinement wing. There was only one cell at the end of the corridor that was occupied, and Dr. Bryan put the keys in the lock, and slowly pushed the door open.

It was dark inside the cell. But he heard a peal of maniacal laughter and a voice saying, "What's up, Doc?"

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Dr. Bryan saw the Joker with his legs chained to the far wall of the cell. He sat cross-legged on the floor, trying to spear insects scurrying past with a toothpick. He giggled as he missed one. "They're speedy little devils, you gotta hand it to them," he said. He stabbed downward again, catching the bug this time and holding it up triumphantly. "But they always dance for Uncle Joker in the end," he said, his eyes alight as he watched the insect squirm. Then he popped it in his mouth and chewed. "Tastes like chicken," he chuckled.

"Joker, I'm here to talk about Harley," said Dr. Bryan, firmly.

"Harley?" repeated Joker, eyes clouding in confusion. Then he laughed. "Oh yes, Harley! The soon-to-be-deceased Dr. Quinzel! Arkham Asylum's greatest little slut, and I imagine it takes a lot to take that title away from the Plant-Lady," he chuckled.

"You know that was all a lie, don't you?" he asked, quietly.

"Lie? My Harley girl wouldn't lie to me," retorted Joker. "Well, except about the important things!" he laughed. "I guess the joke was on me after all, huh, Doc? But I should have realized that from the beginning. I should have known it was all a gag. That kinda dame, the dame Harley pretended to be, they don't exist. And even if she did...she wouldn't want someone like me. It's never made any sense. It's nuts. I should have known that in the end, she was just one big, cruel joke."

Dr. Bryan seized him by the collar and slammed him against the wall. "Now you listen to me, clown!" he hissed. "That girl is the most precious creature I have ever been lucky enough to meet! God, I wish she could see how toxic, how horrible, and how wrong you are for her, but she can't! She's in love with you, and she won't ever be happy again until I fix the mess she got herself into for me! You are going to listen to the truth, and then you are going to take her back! She deserves a much better man than you, but she wants you, and dammit, I'm going to give her what she wants! I took her to my office that night to ask her about a patient! I was the one who kissed her, and I regretted it instantly, as did she! She gave me the most tender, the most beautiful speech about how much she loved you, and I swear to God that I almost felt kinder toward you! She said those things to you so you would take your anger out on her, rather than me, because she's the kindest, sweetest, most self-sacrificing woman in the world! I'm sorry you're too blind, or too stupid, to see what a treasure you've managed to find, but I swear if you don't treat her like the angel she is every single day of your life, then you're an utter fool."

He dropped him to the ground. "Y'see the face, Doc?" chuckled Joker, grinning at him. "Clown, fool, same difference, right?"

Dr. Bryan looked at him in disgust and turned to go. "Answer me one question truthfully," he murmured, turning back to Joker. "Do you love her?"

Joker giggled. "Take a look around, Doc," he said, grinning and gesturing at the walls. Dr. Bryan did, puzzled, and Joker shook his head. "Nah, I mean a real good look," he muttered, nodding at the lightswitch.

Dr. Bryan flicked it on, and the room filled with light, which illuminated the walls. To his horror, he saw that they were stained with blood, blood that had been shaped into words and pictures. There was a sketch of Batman with several knives in his body, lots of Ha Ha Ha's, and plenty of jokes.

"Got dizzy from losing all the red stuff, but you gotta suffer for your art," said Joker, grinning as he held up his wrists caked in dried blood.

"I don't understand," he murmured.

"This one here," said Joker, pointing by the bed. Dr. Bryan looked to see a drawing of Harley painted on the edge of the bed, with a speech bubble coming from her mouth saying Goodnight, puddin'.

"Answer your question?" murmured Joker.

Dr. Bryan nodded. "How much longer are you meant to be confined here?" he asked.

"I dunno. Hard to keep track of days when you're working on a masterpiece," chuckled Joker, nodding at the graffitti.

Dr. Bryan looked at him. "Harley's in the playground," he said, then left him, shutting the door behind him. He didn't lock it.

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