Chapter 2

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Rose's POV

As I lay in my bed that night, many thoughts flashed through my mind. 

The bruises, the cuts, the scratches, the scars. And birds. Birds. I wish I was a bird. I wish I could fly with the birds. Freedom. Birds. Birds meant freedom. 

My back hurt like hell now; as if a million needles were being shoved into it. I closed my eyes, letting sleep overcome me. 


I was sitting on my roof in a long, flowing yellow dress. My hair was no longer red, but a dark, jet black. 

The eagles flew around me, calling to me. 

"Come fly with us," they said. "Be one with the wind. Fly." 

"I can't," I whispered, almost choking on my own words. 

"Fly Rose. Fly with us. You can be free. Fly with us." 

I felt the burning sensation again on my back. I reached to rub it - and drew my hand back quickly, a black feather in my palm. Where had this come from? 

I reached behind my back again, moving my hand in circles. I felt two large bumps, and more feathers. What the...? 

"Do not be alarmed, Rose. Those are your wings. Fly with us." 


I bolted upright in bed, beads of sweat rolling down my neck. What a weird dream... 

I turned my head and looked at my alarm clock. It read 4:30; I had an hour and a half before I need to get ready for school. Hmm, I could go for a run. 

As I slipped off my t-shirt I felt my back, making sure there were no feathers. Nope. Wait...was that a bump? And another bump? No...I was being silly. I hoped. 

I ran into the bathroom and lifted up my undershirt to reveal my bruised and scarred back. Sure enough, there were two small but noticeable bumps sprouted from my back. couldn't be...I must be seeing things... 

I went back into my room, pulling on an old shirt and sweatpants. After I laced my tennis shoes, I ran downstairs and opened the door. 

"Rosalie, where do you think you're going?" I turned around to see Diane standing in her blue fluffy robe and matching slippers, sipping from her cracked coffee mug. 

"Uhh...on a run." I replied. 

"No, I don't think so young lady. I know you were on the roof yesterday, so you are grounded except for school! Get back upstairs!" Diane commanded. 

I raced back up the stairs and yanked open my window, and again pulled off the screen. I quietly scrambled onto the roof, closing the window behind me. I scurried down to the edge of the roof, and looked at the fifteen foot drop to the soft, damp grass below. I plummeted off the roof.

I landed, the clash muffled by the long grass. I did a skilled somersault, then hopped back up. No pain; a good sign. I looked at the indent I had left in the grass, and smoothed it over with my sneaker.

That was weird - I never had that great of a landing...And the power and confidence I felt when I jumped? I had never felt that before. But I had to say the best part of the jump was the wind rushing through my hair, and the freedom I felt as I fell.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of big paws behind me. It was a huge stray Bernese Mountain dog that I had been hiding in the shed behind the house, which my mom used to keep her garden supplies in before...before...I shook my head to clear my mind. I wouldn't think of her. I couldn't without my eyes watering. Maybe I'll tell you about her later, when you really need to know...

The dog looked up at me through his big brown eyes, begging to be pet. "Hey Cooper," I said, kneeling to the ground. Cooper rolled over onto his back, and I scratched his tummy. His foot thumped against the ground, and he seemed to purr like a kitten. A big doggy grin spread across his caramel, black and white face. "Wanna go for a run, boy?" I asked thoughtfully.

Hearing the word "run," Cooper barked as quietly as he could (but it still sounded like a clap of thunder), licked my hand, and began hopping around me. I ran off down the street, Cooper trotting loyally by my side. I turned left, entering Aspen Valley, the newly-developed neighborhood behind my street. I ran through the winding streets of the valley for a while, stopping every so often to give my moose of a dog a rest.

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and checked the time; 6:07. Crap! I needed to be in the shower right now! Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the opening to a large set of woods that was a shortcut which opened up at the top of my street. I dashped through the woods, sprinting as fast as my legs could carry me. Again, I felt an unusual rush of adrenaline. I pushed myself even faster, not yet breaking a sweat. I turned my head to the side to look for Cooper. I couldn't see him. Oh well, he'd be back when he got lonely or hungry.

I ran the three miles back to my house in under ten minutes. Hmm, maybe I should try out for cross country. When I reached the house, I knew I should be out of breath, but oddly enough, I wasn't. I heard a rumbling noise from the garage, and hid behind a bush as I watched Diane pull out of the driveway in her Jaguar and roar down the street. Once back inside, I hopped into the shower, trying to ignore the bumps on my back that I hoped were actually non-existent.

After my refreshing shower, I put on a pink sweater, a white mini-skirt, and pink stilettos. Next I applied my make up - only eye shadow and and foundation; I liked to go for a "natural" look.

6:55. I looked out the window and saw Cooper sound asleep in the shed as the bus came out of Aspen Valley. I grabbed my backpack and purse, slinging them over my shoulders. Before I went outside, I woke up Dad to get ready for work.

***************Hey guys, I hope you've liked the story so far -^_^- I'm a really slow typer so it might take me awhile to post the rest of the chapters...please comment and/or vote, I'd appreciate it :D

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