Chapter 20 Lady Becket

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Chapter 20

Lady Becket

    For a moment as Will and I kissed, I had forgotten where I stood, my purpose of being here now, and most importantly Jack Sparrow.

    “Will,” I uttered softly in between kisses trying to force myself back to reality. “Will, what are you doing?”

    “I would have thought you’d be quite familiar with this,” Will whispered. “After all, we have been here before.”

    “Yes, but you pulled back,” I breathed and added more firmly, “because you have a fiancé.”

    He stopped, moving away from looking even more troubled.

    I raised my eyebrow. “You do still have a fiancé, right?”

    Will sighed, sadly looking down. “I don’t know anymore.”

    I huffed, knowing I would probably regret asking this next question. “What happened?”

    He gave me a sideways glance. “You are not going to like what I tell you.”

    “Why would I care?” I asked folding my arms. “None of this really has anything to do with me.”

    Will remained quiet, still staring at the ground.

    I let out an impatient breath. “Just tell me, Will.”

    “I saw Elizabeth and Jack together,” Will finally stated in a limp voice. “They were kissing.”

    I drew in a sharp piercing breath, unsure of how to respond to this.

    “Aurora?” Will’s faced appeared to have a mixture of sadness and concern. “Are you…”

    “I’m fine,” I muttered nodding forcefully. “It’s fine. Why would I care? I never had any real feelings for Jack.”

    Not wishing any further discussion on the matter I turned and walked out of the room, leaving Will alone. Once in the hall, I found myself leaning on the wall for balance.

    Be strong, Aurora, I made myself think remembering a long time ago I vowed I would never let any deep feelings for Jack enter my mind. It still, at this moment, did not prevent a tear from running down my cheek.


    Feeling the ship pick up its pace, I went up to the front deck to see what was going on. I found Barbossa steering with one hand while the other held the map. I hoped his determined expression meant something good.

    “Are we close?” I asked him.

    “Aye.” He nodded. “We’re good and lost now.”

    “Lost?” Elizabeth repeated.

    Unable to look at her, I kept my eyes fixated on Barbossa. “What do you mean we are lost?”

    His logic told us that in order to find a place no one knows where it is one must be lost. That sounded like something Jack would say. Apparently in order to find Jack Sparrow one simply must think like him.

    “Um, guys?” Ragetti muttered nervously, pointing his shaking finger straight ahead.

    All our heads turned to see that we were heading in increasing speed straight towards a waterfall. My body went numb as my eyes widened. Everyone’s faces were white with fear, everyone’s that is, except for Barbossa.

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