Chapter 5: guilty until proven innocent

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"Don't make promises you can't keep"

"You guys saw that?" I'm totally freaking out, what if they thought i killed him. "And heard, don't worry even if you did bunk him off, we don't blame you. He was a tosser anyways" Johnny said calmly and yet slightly happily. "Johnny! Language!" Favour said whilst pressing her hands to Harry's ears. "Oh shit- i mean- fuck- bollacks!" He groaned trying to stop himself. Harry and the others just started giggling at Favours disapproving expression cracking up and Johnny trying to stop his swear words with more swears. "Crappel sticks!" He finally managed to say. Now everyone was trying to cover up their snickers because Johnny was getting pissed.

"Back to the point, we need a fool proof plan. How about we were all in our rooms by 6 and i was playing with Harry and Favour in his room before, other that that keep to what you were actually doing, sound ok?" I asked hopefully. They all nodded and went to the games room.

Time to play with the filth.


"So your telling us that none of you saw him leave or anything?" "Why were you all in your rooms at 5?" They were both asking a lot of questions. "It's on the bloody rule sheet you dumb tosser!" Trix whispered in frustration. "Sorry?" The female officer said "she said its on the sheet, Harry, mind running up and getting it from my room?" He nodded and ran off. Trix has to be careful, Feds don't have the greatest history with us in general.

"Heeerrrree!!!" Harry said and jumped into my lap, "ommff, boy, you've grown, it must be muscle from going up and down those stairs like flash!" I said tickling him. "Thanks, i take it your the oldest resident here?" The young guy copper said more as a fact. "Errm, i dunno, probably" i said thinking.

"What do you mean you 'don't know'?" He asked confused.

"I don't keep track of birthdays" i shrugged it off, i really don't want to talk about it.

"Why?" He's one persistent bunny.

I coughed and looked at anything in the room other the copper. When no one broke the silence i said "i don't want to talk about it. Can we move on from my personal life?" The young copper was about to say something when the pig with a brown moustache spoke from the door way. "He doesn't wanna tell you shit cause he's been stealing" a smug smile on his face and my MacBook Pro in his hands. Shit.

"You're under arrests for theft..." I didn't listen to his bollacks "dude, i didn't nick it! I swear! I got a job and it comes with the job!" I said pissed off. I told you the Feds hate us. "Yeah, very funny!" He said in false humour.

"You have no reason to think that i nicked it! I swear call them!" I said almost shouting. I held out my iPhone and it started ringing. Speak of the devil. I answered it cautiously, " hello?"

"Hello, just checking up on you to see that you're up and healthy. Don't forget 9:00 every night ok?" The receptionist i met the other day said.

"Thanks," i said slowly

"If there's anything else you need call me, ok?" She asked

"Er, actually, there's two cops standing infront of me and they think i stole the laptop and iPhone, can you explain to them that I'm not a theif?" I asked calmly.

" i don't even want to ask, but sure, pass me over" i handed the phone to the cop and he put it up to his ear he tried talking several times but failed as he was getting shouted at by the sweet little old lady down the end of the line. "Sorry mam, no we won't go around causing innocent people." He said hanging his head low "bu- ok, I'm very sorry. Yes! Yes!" I could barely stop myself from bursting into laughter with the roasting he's getting.

He hung up the phone and handed it back to me.

"Whatever, your new head care worker will be here soon." With that he walked outside to the car to have a smoke.

"N-new care worker?" Trix asked in a scared tone.

"Yes, is that a problem?" The female police women whose name i found out was Jenny from the convostation.

I went over to her and hugged her, she gripped me tightly and hugged me back, "it's gonna be alright, i promise"

I promise.

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