Chapter 1: safe?

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"Three things are not hidden for long: sun, moon, truth" ~ Buddha

Kalen is a normal kid in the care system. It's hard getting a job, studying and keeping up with a social life. Not that he ever had one. He thinks it's all gonna change when he gets a new job at a music company recording studio. If only he knew how much it was going to change.

He has a good voice but doesn't like to sing i front of people.
He has good looks but covers them up with baggy clothes and hoodies.
He's a really good kid.

But that means it's easy to get stuff out of him. Like his voice.

A manager lines up a contract saying he writes and records the songs whilst a handsome jerk gets all the fame.

But what happens when he wants to stop?

What happens when he gets caught?

What happens when his world come tumbling down?

Kalens pov

I get out of the old minibus and my feet land on a gravel pathway that leads to where I'm going to live for now. Gordon's children home. It's bad enough that we belong to the state who doesn't care about us. But they make it sound like we're not home. We're simply staying at this Gordon's place till they can push us off somewhere else.

Mind you, not all care homes are bad, just some of them can be horrific. Boy, I've been to my fare share. My social worker pushes me forwards as he texts a mate on his phone. He's alright looking brown scruffy hair and a jumper messily hanging on his skinny frame, from my experience  he cares more about his mates than his job.

To be honest, i can't really blame him. It's not exciting and it's a load of paper work to do. Especially if the kid gets in trouble a lot. Which may be me. Trouble just seems to just follow me around, like an annoying person who wants to be your mate. You try and be nice but towards the point I'm at, you start not giving a shit about anything.

One thing i still care about are grades.
I need good grades to get to college.
And college means out of here.

I walk inside the seemingly bright house and see an bland hall. The colors are cream on the walls and just some old office equipment. There's a small tv in the corner of the living room with tatty sofas.

"Hello you must be Kalen!" A chirpy voice said. I looked round to see a happy young lady standing in front of me with a grumpy old sod examining me like i had already done something wrong.

"Heel" was all he said. I obliged and followed him up the stairs. So far the building was screaming at me 'council' or something else that had no life in it.

"Put your bags on the bed" he ordered impatiently. I nodded slowly and put my single small bag on the bed and my guitar. I got that baby for my birthday a couple of years ago. He picks up the guitar case and starts to make his way out. "Hey! What are you doing?" He just looked at me boredly. "No instruments are permitted because of noise disturbance. There's a laminated card with all the rules written on it under your pillow. Follow the rules equals happy me. Don't equals punishment for you. Happy me. " he said and carried on walking.

Now I'm left in my new room with a small bag which is now all i own. I would of fought for that guitar but i know the care system. There's probably not going to be a rule, they're probably going to sell it.

I put all my clothes away neatly in draws which doesn't take long because i only own about two changes and one nice shirt for special occasions. I slip the laminated card from under my pillow. It was a lot of rules.

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