Chapter 10: Christmas

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*Steve's pov*

I awake to the sound of footsteps thundering down the stairs. December the 25th, always the same. I roll over and glance at the clock on my bedside cabinet: 4:30. Crap. I sigh deeply and bury my face deeper into the pillow, as gleeful shouts echo through the building. It's always the same routine. Tony gets up early and wakes everyone else in the process.

There's a thud above me telling me that Tony has now woken Banner who will now stumble, dazed and tired, into the kitchen for a coffee. I guess I should get up, there's no way I will get back to sleep with this racket. Not that I really want to, I was having the most awful dream, in it was a pile of gold, 4 cheestrings, Nick Fury and Peppa Pig. But the bed is so warm and I'm so comfortable that I could just... No I should just get up.

I sit up, a little too fast as I got a little dizzy, and climb out of bed. There's clothes strewn all over the floor so I'll just pick something close to me. I take a grey shirt from the floor and sniff it. It stinks but I'll put it on anyway. I pull it on, it's damp with sweat from my workout yesterday but I can't be bothered to change it. I grab a pair of pants as I'm leaving the room.

I trudge down the hallway and the shouts if joy get progressively louder. I push open the door to the lounge and see Tony sat, cross-legged, on the floor, surrounded by wrapping paper and gifts with a huge grin on his face. Bruce is leant against the mantle, coffee in hand. He looks exhausted with big black bags under his eyes and his hair scruffy and unkempt. Romanoff and Barton are also there. Barton sat on the couch with one foot resting on his other knee and his arm around romanoff who is half asleep leant against him. Thor is nowhere to be seen but knowing him he's probably still in bed, he sleeps through anything and everything.

I enter the room and flop down in am armchair. Lucky (Clint's dog) brings me the morning paper, dropping it on my lap. I give him a gentle pat on the head and he trots off to find something else to do.

I turn my attention to the paper where a large headline catches my eye:

Christmas Calamity, child left in hospital on Christmas morning.

I look at the picture beneath the headline. A small blonde girl no older than 8 smiles out of the page. I read on:

This morning, December 25th, Lucy Grey was taken to hospital. Lucy Grey had woken early on Christmas morning and, excited by the snow and ice she had never seen before, went for a walk in the moonlight. It is believed she left the house through the backdoor and out of the back gate where there is a large river. Lucy then walked out onto the ice captured by its beauty. It was then her Father (Oscar Grey) awoke and noticing her empty bed, came looking for her. He arrived at the river side to see her standing on very thin ice, shivering and calling for his help. He edged onto the ice and beckoned her towards him. It was unlucky fate that meant Lucy stepped on the thin ice and fell into the river. Her father was quick to act and may have saved her life. He dove in after her and pulled her from the water. She was unconscious and so Oscar phoned emergency services and then performed CPR until they arrived. Lucy is now being treated in hospital but her father may have saved her life.

I put the newspaper down. What a horrible story. At least she's ok. Kudos to her Father. I wouldn't have done that. I'dve panicked probably. I look out of the window to see the sun has risen. It's Christmas. I shouldn't dwell. Christmas is family time. I push the newspaper story from my mind and slide onto the floor with Tony to begin opening presents.


Authors note:
I know this is quite grim and I don't want to upset anyone! Please tell me if I have!

Also I have a few questions as I'm looking for feedback

1) should I do some stories using the young avengers and characters from agents of shield tv show or not?

2) do people mind bad language?

3) do people mind more mature, lovers scenes?

Thank you for feedback :) :)

- Sebastian

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