Miles Back Then

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Four Weeks Later

The group has walked forty miles from the Lake CDC, now tired from all the walking, they decide to rest on a forest. They cut down a few trees, make two tents, and build fences with sharp ends for walkers and survivors. Damian and Delina added some chains that would make a sound when someone comes near them. 5 days have the group been in this camp so far.

"Chris, sir we are running low on food supplies, to more beans and we will starve soon" Nia said

"Don't call me sir, call me Chris, just your leader" Chris said "And about the food, I'll start a supply run for more with Damian" he added.

Troy manages to get a car from a little 2 miles away from the camp.

"This is the plan: Troy, Damian and Bessie will head to look for food supplies on nearby building, but be careful. The rest stay and we will fix up a little the camp" Chris said and everyone departed to their places.

Damian, Troy, and Bessie get on the car Troy found and leave to look for food. They encountered a High School in the street. They ventured forward and founded a few walkers that were quickly taken out.

Damian entered first and Troy followed up with Bessie. They founded school materials, desks, pencils, chairs, everything around the floor, either destroyed or used as shileds. They entered and looked inside most classrooms, in which Damian founded a girl, about 8 years old, he decided to let her come with them.

Meanwhile, back at the Camp, Chris began an conversation with Delina.

"Hey there, how are you doing" Chris began

"I'm fine, thanks for asking by the way" she said picking up a stack of wood planks for the Camp defenses

"Hey, let me take it for you"


Chris took the planks and plotted them down in with the rest of them.

"Delina, do you and Damian have a child" Chris began again the conversation

"To be honest, between us, I'm virgin, and yet we haven't have had any source of kissing in months. We separated for a while, and this happened" Delina said in a soft whispering almost voice

"Is that so, do you truly love him?" Chris asked Delina

"Of course, as my little brother" Delina said

"So you got marry to stay together, yet you treat each other like family or friends" Chris said as he began to think of something Delina didn't caught up with

"What is it? Is it wrong to marry a friend" Delina asked as Chris the snapped out of his dream

"No, but you need a better men. Even with a little brother like Damian, you might need a strong man" Chris said responding to her question

"Are you implying what I think you want to say" Delina said

"You know, what you see and hear, but you know of what you truly desire" Chris said as he left to get more supplies.

Back at the High school, Troy, Bessie, Damian and the little girl began to get out but a herd of walkers was outside waiting. They quickly closed it off and called through the walkie to Chris. Chris founded an RV on his way to the High school and eventually he drove the walkers away. The other got back to their Car and both cars followed the path to the Camp. The RV and the Car went back and parked them inside the camp. Chris heard as Damian and Delina were having a fight over something Damian found out. He began to come towards Chris and punched him in the face. Blood came out of his nose and mouth as Chris got back to his feet.

"What's your problem, DUDE!" Chris yelled at Damian, as Damian didn't really seem to care about what he did.

"You thought you would hook up with my wife while I was gone and get away with it. NOT EVEN ONCE" Damian yelled back to Chris

"No, I wasn't really--"Chris got cut off by Damian

"What are you going to say. That what you said is true or that you think your the better man for her" Damian said.

"And what if I am" Chris said cleaning his nose bleed, "What if I'm the man to make her happy"

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Damian yelled as the entire group look upon them. By then the little girl was looking sad at the two adults that were fighting.

"Do something Delina, you started this shit" Troy said to Delina, as she looked at both of them is despair

"Well, I can't do much now" she answer Troy "Wait for then to calm down or one of them to survive"

"I want to keep this group together. So you either deal with it or--" Chris words were cut off by the sound of gun fire.

The gun fire was seen from a distant, and a herd of about 50 walkers were coming towards their Camp.

"Get the guns Bessie, we need them NOW" Chris yelled as walkers began to destroy the poorly built defenses

Bessie came back with the rifles and handguns. Chris and the group began to shoot them but more of them kept coming.

"RV NOW!!" Chris yelled and the group began to get into the RV.

Troy and Damian got on the Car while the other including Chris entered the RV. Now they followed an endless path to their new future...

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