Chapter 1 Flourescence and New Schools

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Chapter 1

Flourescence and New Schools

“I love you, take care! And get rid of that beast!” I shout and wave, indicating at his hideous car, as it begins to retreat.

From the window, Sammy, waves and shouts, “Will do! Love you too! And don’t get kicked out again!” I reply to his advice with a grin, a grin he barely sees, before he’s gone past the gates. 

I can't say I don't admire his patience for still putting up with the fugly, smashed up navy Ford. Though, it's not like he has a choice in the matter anymore. He lost a bet a few days ago and my lovely parents forbid him from buying a new one until that one’s totalled. It serves him right, who told him to gamble with his brand new Lamborghini? The only good thing about the whole situation was the look on his face when Dad gave him the ultimatum. I only happened to witness it because I was coming down the stairs, wondering what the noise was all about. But it turned out to be the highlight of my week, so I guess I shouldn't critisise his idiocy when it's one of the few things that never fails to make me laugh.

In case you're still wondering, that was Sammy, my idiotic older brother. Well, actually it would be better for your own good if you called him Sam, rather than Sammy, since as his only little sister, I'm the only one allowed to him that. Nobody else really has the guts to call him 'Sammy' and hope to get away with it. Although Sammy is undoubtly an idiot, majority of the people don't realize it because they're usually too busy trying to avoid setting off his infamous temper. The temper thing kind of runs in the family. But I'm going off on a tangent again introducing someone you guys don't even need to know. Or maybe I'm just purposely trying to avoid thinking of my current situation. Not that not thinking about it is going to change anything anyhow. Sigh.

Slowly and reluctantly I turn around to look at my new school.

This is it.

The school my parents expect me to graduate from. As to why I specify 'graduation'; it just means that I can't get expelled or move schools until the end of the school year, which also happens to be my last. And what can I say, I've changed schools so many times, that spending five months in one specific school is actually an issue for me.

It’s quite impressive, really, since it looks like some kind of ginormous, five storey castle or even palace. Apparently, it used to be; some kind of holiday home for some foreign king or queen. I can’t think of why they would need a holiday home to be so big, but I guess when you have access to the whole country’s money, you tend to spend quite a bit. Apparently the spending came into use; you see, now it’s Darlington Academy and has been, since the past 59 years.

Yep, Darlington Academy. The name alone makes my psychic antenna scream 'boredom'. And unfortunately, an escape plan is kind of impossible, since it’s in the middle of nowhere, with famers and fields as my only neighbors.  That leaves getting kicked out as my only other option to get away from here. But that's if I ignore the fact that Mom and Dad would butcher me if I get expelled. Again.

When Sammy and I (well, mostly Sammy, since I'm not one for manual labour), dumped my luggage in my tiny new room, my new roommate was nowhere in sight. But, by the looks of her side of the room, she seems friendly enough, i.e anyone who has a bookshelf packed with awesome novels (by authors like Rhys Bowen or Tarryn Fisher) would seem friendly to me, I mean, come on, how can judging personality by good taste in books go wrong? She has simple pale pink and purple bed sheets, making my royal blue and purple embroidered silk covers scream ‘extravangance’, even though when I bought it, I thought it was quite simple.

In retrospect, I'm now glad that I was too depressed last night to pack properly. In the car I had started regretting only bringing along one hurriedly packed medium sized suitcase for clothes. But now, considering the tiny wardrobe the school has provided for me, it's pretty perfect. But only quantity-wise. The actual clothes that I brought along don't match up to make the best outfits.

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