"Hi" Ashton nodded awkwardly as he moved out the way for them to order their drinks.

Ashton made his way back to the table where Michael and Calum were sitting in silence.

"Okay so Poppy and Holly are here" Ashton said sitting down and passing out the iced drinks.

"We know" Michael nodded as he sipped on his drink.

"Maybe we should get them to sit with us" Ashton suggested.

"Why?" Calum asked not wanting them to sit with them because they remind him of Emily.

"We know them from school" Ashton shrugged "It's nice to catch up with old friends"
Poppy and Holly ordered iced cameral lattes before walking over to a window bench and sitting in the sun as they drunk their refreshing coffees. Holly pushed her long strawberry blonde hair out of her face as she looked over at the familiar boys from high school.
"Imagine if Em was here. She'd freak out" Holly commented quietly to Poppy she looked at up her friend and smiled. "You don't think she's still in love with calum do you?" Poppy asked. Holly knew that Emily still had something for Calum. It wasn't rocket science to be able to notice that she acts nervous whenever Calum or the band is brought up. Holly wanted nothing more than to reunite them but she knew that Emily would kill her. Poppy looked at Holly awaiting her answer.
"You never forget your first love" Holly answered with a small shrug. Poppy nodded in agreement as she put the straw of her drink to her mouth. Holly noticed Ashton approaching them.
"Hey" Ashton said for the second time as she put his hands in his jean pockets.
"Hello" Holly answered looking up at him.
"We were wondering if you'd like to sit with us?" Ashton said looking between Poppy and Holly as he spoke his offer. Holly smiled at him before nodding and standing up. Poppy stood up reluctantly before following Holly and Ashton who were caught up in the 'how are you' conversation. Poppy sat down next to Holly who sat next to Michael, across from Ashton. There was an awkward silence between the old friends before Michael spoke
"So how are you guys?". Holly turned to look at him
"Yeah good thanks, how about you?" Holly asked politely.
"Not too bad" Michael nodded. "So what have you guys been up to?" Ashton asked making Poppy raise an eyebrow
"Not as much as you guys" Poppy answered. The three boys chuckled a little.
"You guys got into college right?" Michael asked making Holly sigh.
"Got in yes, didn't go" Holly shrugged making Ashton and Michael frown at her. Calum was focused on his drink the entire time, he didn't want to look at the two girls that would remind him most of Emily.
"Why didn't you go?" Ashton asked before sipping his drink. Holly looked down and swallowed "I had a baby" Holly nodded, making Ashton chock in shock and Michael's eyes widen. Calum raised his head slightly to look at Holly. She had grown up a lot, her face was slimmer and looked more mature.
"A baby?" Michael repeats making Holly nod
"Yeah he's called Parker".
"Who's the dad?" Ashton asked making Poppy smirk at Holly slightly.
"Jake peters" Holly answered. Calum frown a little at her
"Isn't he gay?" Calum asked remembering that Emily told him not to worry about her friendship with Jake because he was gay. "Er yeah" Holly said a little awkwardly as the three boys looked at her slightly confused. "That never stopped him from sleeping with girls" Poppy said rolling her eyes a little "What one night stands can do".
"So how old is he?" Michael asked making Holly turn her head to look at him again, she noted that he had dyed his hair red. "He's nearly four" Holly smiled a little thinking about the most important person in her life.
"We can see him?" Ashton asked making Holly nod and bring out her phone getting up her lockscreen, a photo of Parker in his playden.
"He's so cute look that those cheeks" Michael commented smiling at the photo before passing the phone to Ashton.
"So Poppy are you god mother?" Ashton asked making Poppy scoff
"No that's Emily".
Holly noticed that Calum froze up at the mention of Emily, similar to what Emily would do if someone mentioned Calum.
"Em isn't god mother, he's not christened" Holly said rolling her eyes at Poppy a little.
"Yeah but he likes Emily" Poppy argued.
"That's because Emily is so good with kids" Holly sighed. Calum nodded a little
"Well she had a lot of practice" Calum commented quietly making Holly and Poppy look at him.
"Yeah I guess" Holly said quietly matching his tone.
"How is Emily?" Ashton asked, remembering back to his crush that he used to have on her. "She's okay" Poppy said quickly. Calum watched Holly's facial expression; she looked down and raised her eyebrow sceptically. "Is she like working in a top end job?" Michael asked remembering how many remarks he made about her being nerdy. "She owns a photography studio" Poppy answered. Holly raised her head to see Calum staring at him she narrowed her eyes at him questioningly.
"So Poppy did you go to college?" Ashton asked looking at Poppy who nodded
"I did, they only one who went". "What did you study?" Michael asked.
"hair and make up" Poppy answered "Not very clever I know but" She shrugged finishing her sentence.
"Are you engaged?" Ashton asked noticing the ring on her left hand. Poppy glanced down at the ring before back up at Ashton with a grin on her face.
"Yeah I am" Poppy nodded.
"When's the wedding?" Michael asked.
"Hopefully within five months" Poppy smiled. Holly sipped her drink raising her eyebrows because how could you plan a wedding in five months?
"How long have you been engaged?" Ashton asked.
"Three weeks" Poppy nodded. Calum raised an eyebrow at her, which only Holly noticed.
"Wow congratulations" Ashton smiled showing his familiar dimples.
"Thank you" Poppy smiled back looking just at Ashton.
"Actually" Poppy started looking between the three boys "you guys should perform! Like if you want to I mean that would be cool"
Holly looked at Poppy with wide eyes because how was Emily going to take this?
"At your wedding?" Calum asked smirking with a confused frown. Poppy nodded slowly at him "you know we aren't exactly Ed sheeran right?"
"I never said you were going to be my first dance" Poppy shrugged "just like a small set, you could do the engagement party too"
"Don't you think you should talk to Will about this?" Holly hissed
"Will isn't planning the wedding" Poppy stated confused "we're planning the wedding"
"Well yeah and you're other maid of honour" Holly whispered with daggers eyes.
"She'll get over it" Poppy said rolling her eyes at Holly. Holly sighed and went back to drinking her melted drink.
"You guys should come to our show tonight, you can decided on songs?" Ashton suggested.
"That would be fun" Poppy nodded "Will and Rob are out of town"
"What does Rob have to do with it?" Holly asked. All three boys starred at Poppy. Calum stood up and mumbled about going to the toilet.
"Who's Rob?" Michael asked assuming that Will was Poppy's boyfriend.
"Emily's boyfriend" Holly said "I mean it might be awkward to bring Emily"
"They can't avoid each other forever" Ashton sighed with an eye roll.
"I still think he's in love with her" Michael mumbled making Holly look at him.
"Really?" She asked interested in his comment Michael raised an eyebrow at her.
"Yes why?" Michael answered
"I think the same about Emily" Holly said quietly so Poppy couldn't hear.
"We should swap details so we can get you in, and you can talk to our manager about the wedding" Ashton said to Poppy. Poppy nodded and swapped details with Ashton arranging were and when to meet tonight for the show.
Calum came back texting someone on his phone as he sat back down. The table was quiet as he sat down making him feel as if they had been talking about him.
"We should get going" Poppy stated standing up "see you guys later"
"Yeah it was nice seeing you" Ashton smiled as the two girls stood up from their seats.
"Bye" Holly waved as they began to walk towards the door.
Calum looked between Ashton and Michael.
"What did she mean see you tonight?" Calum asked.
"They are coming to our show" Michael shrugged making Calum's mouth open a little in shock.
"What if they bring Emily?" Calum asked panic in his voice as he look between his two best friends.
"Why does it matter?" Ashton asked "you're going to have to see her eventually"
"No I'm not" Calum huffed a little making Ashton chuckle at him.
"Anyone would think you're still in love with her" Ashton commented Calum simply rolled his eyes at the comment before he stood up.
"We should get to soundcheck" Calum mumbled before walking out of the cafe. Ashton looked at Michael who shrugged before following Calum out of the cafe.

Story of another us // Calum Hood #book 2Where stories live. Discover now