two [new team, new friends]

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new team, new friends

[two weeks later]


"We're here!" My dad exclaimed, pulling into the parking lot. Jaden and I rolled our eyes and groaned over his overenthusiasm as we got out of the car. Our dad tended to get a little too excited about some things; this being Jaden's first baseball practice with his new team being one of them.

We walked toward the team, who were spread out on the field warming up. I recognized most of the boys from school, but the only one I'd formally met was Cole.

Cole's dad, who was one of the coaches, came over to us and showed Jaden where to put his things, then started talking with my dad. I followed Jaden to the edge of the field and pulled out my camera, trying to get a few shots of the guys warming up. Apparently Cole's dad was serious when he asked me to be the team's photographer, and he'd asked me to cover the first practice.

As I was adjusting my camera settings, Cole looked up from where he was stretching and talking with Braden, one of the guys I had seen in school, and jogged over to us.

"Hey Jaden," he said, giving him one of those "bro hugs" that I will never understand. Then he turned to me. "Hey Riley, what are you doing here?"

"Apparently I'm the team photographer now," I replied, holding up my camera.

"Oh, nice. My regular personal photographer just canceled. Make sure to get my good side," he joked before striking a model pose, looking dramatically away from the camera, his hand on his hip.

Laughing, I held up my camera and started taking pictures of him as he posed, while Jaden took out his phone and did the same.

"Ooh, work it Cookie," one of the boys yelled, and Cole flipped him off.

By that point, I was laughing so hard my eyes were tearing up. I looked through the pictures and showed them to Cole, and he burst out laughing. "Dang, I'm fabulous."

I nodded in agreement. "You're practically the next Kylie Jenner. Minus the huge lips."

"Thank God for that. Seriously, why do people think that's attractive? I mean, yeah she's got a nice a-"

"Okay, okay, I get it," I interrupted, holding up my hand to stop him.

Just then two girls walked over to us, both of which I didn't recognize. They both had blonde hair and looked alike, so I assumed they were sisters, though one of them was taller than the other.

"Hey, Cole," they said, almost in unison.

"Hey, guys," he replied before turning back to us. "Riley, Jaden, this is Zoe and Maggie. They're dating guys on the team, so they come to a lot of our practices."

"Nice to meet you," the taller girl said. "I'm Maggie, and this is my sister, Zoe." Zoe waved at me, and I waved back.

Then one of the coaches yelled for everyone to gather around him for the start of practice, so Cole and Jaden said goodbye and jogged back to the field.

Zoe, Maggie, and I walked over to the edge of the field so I was close enough to get good pictures, but far enough away so we didn't get in the way of the players.

"So, Riley," Zoe said. "You guys just moved here, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah, like two weeks ago."

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