5. Answers

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( A/N : Landon in MM! And do you guys like 1st person perspective of 3rd person perspective ? Let me know !)

Vanity POV:

Here I was at Landon's doorstep. I had mixed emotions about coming over here , but I had to especially after reassuring to Autumn I would for her and her baby girl. So there was no turning back. I wasn't about to come all the way over here for nothing and waste my gas money.

I pressed the doorbell and stood waiting for about 10 seconds until I saw the door opened expecting Landon but instead being met by another man that wasn't him, who I was guessing was the man Autumn witnessed Landon in the shower with.

" Yes?" His deep voice spoken to me.

" Is Landon here?" I questioned. I saw his body tense up and looked at me with curiosity.

" Umm, what you need him for ? " He asked eyeing me up and down.

I didn't know who he thought he was trying to come and investigate me like a detective or something. I walked straight passed him inside.

" LANDON!" I shouted walking throughout he house.

" Look you cannot come in here uninvited. So you need to get out." I heard whatever the nigga name was that I was met with at the door say to me, making me turn my head in his direction.

" Last time I checked this ain't yo house , you don't pay no bills up in this bitch so therefore you need to tend to yo self and let me find the person I'm looking for." I said with a full on attitude in my voice.

Before he could say anything else, I saw Landon walking down the stairs.

" Baby what's all the -" He stopped his sentence short when he saw me. I could tell he knew he was already in for it or I hope he knew he was.

" Vanity? Wassup ma. Aye Zeke I'll get up with you later."

The guy Zeke just nodded his head gathering his stuff and left out.

" What brings you by? I ain't spoke or seen you in a while." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and laughing leading me into the living room.

" Actually it's something very serious. Can I sit down for a minute ?" I said looking in his eyes.

" Yeah go ahead." He said and pointed over to the sofa as I sat down, him joining me.

" So ? What brought you all the way on the other side of town to talk to me that's so serious ?"

" Well umm, it was brought to my attention that you have attraction to the same sex, and you know I'm not the one to judge on anyone but I just really don't understand L." I told him.

His body tensed up and I heard him sigh.

" That's because it's not for you to understand V. This is something that I chose to do."

" But why Landon? We've been friends since middle school days and you think that this wouldn't be a hard pill to swallow ? Not only for me but Autumn and mostly Mikayla."

" I don't need you to tell me something I already know ma. When Mikayla old enough to understand about all of this I will tell her." He said like he didn't care.

" But did you think about Autumn? You know she still loves you so much."

" Of course I did. But if she really loves me then she would support my decision and let me be happy."

It really hurt to see someone who I called my brother , go this way. Ever since Autumn and Landon broke up I had always had high hopes that they would get back together, but that clearly wasn't something that was going to happen.

" Well did you know that Autumn saw you in the shower with your little man puppet ?" I questioned.

" I didn't see her at first until I heard her drop her purse on the floor." He said putting his head down.

" Do you know how fucked up that is? Where the fuck was Mikayla?"

By this point I was angry. He was supposed to be watching his child but yet in the shower with another nigga.

" Chill V. I wasn't in my right mindset , we were drinking and -"

" Why were you drinking if you supposed to be watching Mikayla? This shit is so foul. You know -"

I was quickly cut off when Landon hit the table and stood up causing me to shut up.

" Damn can I tell you what the hell happened! That's what you want right ?! Then let me fucking talk since you want to know every god damn thing ! Yeah I was drinking while I was supposed to be watching my baby girl ! Yeah I called ole dude over here and we had sex in the shower !"

I could see tears forming in his eyes and I stood up and tried to comfort him but he pushed me away.

" I don't need your sympathy. I think you need to leave. Shut the do' on ya way out." He said leaving me there by myself.

"No I'm not leaving." I said wandering behind him.

He stopped in his tracks and looked back at me.

" Please , I just want to be alone right now."

I sighed and hugged him tightly.

" Everything will be okay." I said and let him go, leaving him to be by his self.

I didn't get as much answers as I planned onto but seeing him looking overwhelmed , I kind of figured that was what would be the case.

I climbed back into my car and pulled my phone out my purse looking at a message on my phone.

ChampagnePapi💍🔐😋- wya?come through - 4:27

I smiled to myself and replied back. Even though I should be mad at him, I really needed someone to talk to and he was that one person.

Just leaving Landon's place omw- 4:28

ChampagnePapi💍🔐😋- and why you ova there 👀 - 4:32

Tell you when I get there baby 😬 - 4:34

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