3. Us Time

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(A/N: For this chapter it will be in first person, so now you will get to see it from Vanity's perspective. Enjoy!)

Vanity's POV:

It was already going on midnight and I was still up sitting in the dining room, hoping he would walk in the door any minute now. The candles I lit up hours ago had blown out and I knew the food I had prepared for him had to be cold. The more time passed, the more angrier I became. I just couldn't believe this.

This was nothing new to me at all, so I was clueless to the fact on why I was so mad about it. I was always being promised about being able to spend time with him, but that was never the case. I decided that it was best to just go ahead and go to sleep.

I sighed to myself and stood up.

I didn't have the energy nor was I in the mood to pack up all of the food I prepared for us two, so I was just going to leave it there so if he ever decides to brings his ass over he can see all the hard work I put into.

I grabbed my phone and called his cell and it went straight to voicemail.

"Bastard." I mumbled to myself. I grabbed my car keys from off the granite island, and slipped on my Nike slides.

I needed to clear my mind right now. Too much was going on in my life right now. I opened the front door only to reveal him standing there ready to knock on the door. I shook my head in disappointment and walked straight past him making my way to the elevator. I could hear his footsteps follow behind me. I did everything in my power to ignore him as he repeatedly called my name.

He jerked my arm back making me have no choice but to turn around to him, but my eyes stuck glued to the floor. I didn't want to look at his face right now. I took in his scent that was a mixture of alcohol and expensive cologne, which only meant one thing that led to wear he was: club.

" Look at me V." He said and I wouldn't oblige.

He grabbed my chin and slowly pulled it up brining me face to face with him. I sighed as he stroked the side of my cheek.

I removed his hand from my face, " You got some nerve tryna touch me. Its passed midnight-" I began to say only to be quickly cut off.

"Let's talk about this inside. I cant let nobody see me out here." He said. But I doubted anyone would. Nobody ever came out this late on a Wednesday night. I followed behind him back to my door and walked in and shut the door behind me.

" I know you mad and all but I don't see the need to be. You knew what was going to happen in this case and -"

" And I've waited on you all day. You could've called me in advanced to let me know that you weren't going to make it on time. I cooked all this damn food for you just to be disappointed yet once again by you. "

"What you want me to do? I don't make the rules V, I wish I could but unfortunately that's something that I'm incapable of. "

"The fact is your a grown ass man and if you cant reap what you sow then don't say shit at all." I said and could hear him mumble something under his breath.

" I don't feel like arguing with you right now. I don't have the the patience to keep carrying on this bullshit ass argument."

" Bullshit ass argument? Why cant you just accept the fact that you were wrong in this case, huh?"

He sighed and sat down with his head in his hands. I walked over by the couch and sat down next to him. I could tell something was wrong with him.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him with a concerned face.

As much as I didn't want to feel bad for him, I couldn't sit there and not ask what was wrong with him. He shrugged his shoulders not wanting to tell me what the problem was.

I grabbed his face with both of my hands making him look at me. " Tell me baby." I pleaded.

" I'm just tired right now. Let's just talk about this in the morning."

Instead of wanting to talk his ears off, and let him see how him abandoning me was causing me so much pain emotionally, I just nodded my head.

I followed behind him to my room and saw him start to take off his clothes leaving him only in boxers that showed a very large imprint of his manhood. I bit my lip and looked away. He was doing that on purpose, but he wasn't going to get any part of my pearl tonight.

Hope this is a good chapter for you guys! - Kayla

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