1. Just The Beginning

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(A/N: Vanity In MM, also the story will have some parts written in third person and also first person, so I hope that won't be a problem! Enjoy!)

"This is like my seventh voicemail I've sent to you please call me," Vanity sighed and pressed the end button on her phone.

She'd had been calling and sending him messages all day, but there was no answer. Being the girlfriend of a famous celebrity was very hectic, especially when no one was aware that the famous, amazing recording artist and rapper Drake was dating Vanity Adams, the shy unknown girl nobody knew.

Drake & Vanity had been dating for over about 6 months now, both meeting through a mutual friend.

He liked the fact she was very shy, but also confident and feisty.

Being in the situation they were in, made Vanity very insecure about this whole thing. She knew he didn't want to let his fans down, but she did hate having to hide the fact that they were a couple.

His manager suggested that they kept the relationship on the low, so his fans wouldn't give him or Vanity such a hard time, and at first they both didn't agree, but they had to understand the rules or he would get cut from the label.

Of course, with the help of " great " friends he has, which includes Chris Brown, Trigga, Future , Partynextdoor , and many more, there were always thirsty women around just waiting to be around her man. This not only made her more insecure , but very jealous. But she couldn't make a scene or people would start to get suspicious and they'd be all over TMZ , The Shade Room, and other gossip sites.

She sighed deeply putting her knees to her chest. She never pictured her, Vanity Epiphany Adams, being in this predicament. It was stressful enough.

Since he was in a business meeting, Vanity was left all alone at the expensive condo he bought her a while back. It was very spacious inside and cozy. The condo had already been furnished when she first moved in, so she didn't have to worry about moving her old furniture in that she use to own.

Vanity sat around getting bored from doing nothing and texted her sister Autumn. Autumn and Vanity weren't blood sisters, but they had been friends since diaper days and considered themselves as family.

Vanity's mom adopted her when she was only four years old, since she never met her father so he could take her in. Losing her mom to Leukemia, definitely took a toll on Autumn and weighed heavily on her shoulders. Growing up, she was a very fast girl. Wearing very revealing clothes, and having the reputation she was known for all through out high school , it was clear that she wasn't a virgin.

Vanity and her mother stuck with her through everything and tried everything they could to steer Autumn in the right direction, but being the fast ass she was , her and her mothers help didn't get anywhere.

Clicking her contact name and hearing it ring for a couple of moments, she finally heard her favorite voice.


"Hey." Vanity replied.

"Mhmm, why you calling me? What you do this time?" She asked curious as to why Vanity was calling her. They haven't had a decent conversation in the longest, so Autumn knew it either had to be important, or Vanity just wanted to have simple conversation.

"Geez, you act like it's such a crime to call you. I just wanted to know what you were getting into today."

" Oh well nothing, probably take Mikayla out to the park today, y'know..... get her out the house for a bit why?" Autumn asked.

Mikayla was Autumn's two year old daughter. She had birthed her when she was 22, now two years later making her 24. Autumn's ex-boyfriend Landon, and also the father of Mikayla, was definitely in the picture and not just some deadbeat dad.

Once he found out she was pregnant and carrying his seed at the time when they were together, he was filled with joyed, but also kind of disappointed because he knew it was way too early to have a child.

Since their breaking up, which was because of the loss of feelings toward each other, Landon has been dedicated to his first born and loved that little girl to death. He provided everything she needed , and Autumn didn't worry about putting him on child support because she knew he would do everything that needed to be done to fulfill his child's needs.

"Mind if I join you two?" She questioned hoping she would say yes.

" Yea girl, were about to head out now, so just meet us at the park over by the train tracks. I'm sure stinka misses her auntie anyway." Autumn said causing a smile to arise on Vanity's face.

" Awww , well imma get dressed and head over your way."

"Alright." Autumn said and they both hung up simultaneously.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. This is only the start and chapters for this book is going to be updated a lot. I really feel like good things are going to happen for this story ! - Kayla

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