Chapter 2: Grandma's Special Treat (5 years, 1 month)

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The red werewolf pup hadn't stop glaring at his brother. Titus was playing with Rose in human form, and Darius was hating every minute of it. He was older, he should be first to learn how to shift.

Xavier sat down beside his son and patted his knee. "You'll learn."

He folded his arms, narrowing his eyes at the black haired boy. He'd show Titus. He'd tackled him and then bite him. As a human his little brother won't be much of a challenge. He moved to all fours and slowly started to creep closer.

"Oh no." Xavier grabbed his son's tail before he could pounce. "That's enough." He flipped the boy around and put him on his lap. "Just because Titus learned before you, doesn't mean you can act like this.

The five year old whined and flopped down on his side. "I want to do it too."

"Then sit up straight." Xavier tried to get his son to behave, but Darius wouldn't have it.

He remained limp and flopped around. He just wanted to punish Titus for doing it before him. Actually learning how to shift into a human was way too much work, compared to just planning a sneak attack.

"Darius," growled the alpha, growing frustrated. "Do you never want to learn?"

The pup was purposely ignoring his father, with his eyes pointed at the ceiling.

"Now you listen here, Titus figured it out faster because he practiced. If you'd just pay attention for five minutes, I could teach you how it's done."

Darius head rolled back, and he groaned. Xavier released him, and the boy fell on his side and rolled away, moaning like a hurt pup.

Xavier took in a calming breath. "I don't know what to do with him Rose." He ran a hand through his head fur. "He won't listen."

Rose smiled and hugged Titus to her. "I remember your mother telling me similar stories."

Titus stuck out his tongue at his brother.

That was enough to set the red werewolf off. He charged his brother. Titus yelped and climbed up Rose's side. She put the human boy behind her and leaned down to her son's level. Grabbing his flying paws, she looked him in the eyes. "Enough, do you understand me?"

The tears came quickly, and he fell into his mother's arms. "I want to do it too."

"With time sweetheart." She rubbed the pup's back. Rose looked to her mate as he crossed the room. "Where are you going?"

"To call my mother," the alpha said plainly. "She did it once, let's pray she can do it again."

Rose laughed to herself and kissed her son's cheek. "You'll figure it out, Darius. Don't you worry one bit."


The two brothers were darting through the snow drifts as they waited for their grandparents to arrive.

Rose looped arms with her mate. "I hope the road weren't too bad for them."

"It hasn't snowed for a couple days, so it shouldn't be," replied the alpha.

She watched the two werewolves play. "It's been awhile since they've seen the boys."

"About six months."

"They've grown a lot since then." She looked to her mate, who's eye were fixed on the tree line. "You know maybe it's fine for Darius to not learn to shift just yet. It won't do him any good in the middle of winter."

"He'll five already and winter is almost over," he stated. "If we continue at this rate, Jericho's boy will learn before him."

"I didn't know this was a race," laughed Rose.

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