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Annabeth couldn't help it. When Percy mentioned the meeting, her curiosity was piqued. She couldn't pass up the opportunity that was given to her. She had to follow Percy. Had to. It was a weakness of being raised in Athens, her curiostiy always got the better of her. Always.

Annabeth had waited until Percy had rounded a corner, then followed him. She had watched as he met up with friends of his, who, apparently had heard that Annabeth was a heartless prick. Not true, by the way. She had followed Percy all day, not being able to help herself.

Now, her and Percy were on their way to the pavilion to eat lunch. Hopefully it isn't sea food. Annabeth hated sea food. And she had a sinking feeling that the island of Crete's menu was mostly formed of just that. Great.

Percy led Annabeth through winding corridors and pathways, pointing out important fixtures and buildings such as the throne room, the amphitheater, and even the coronation room. Yes, she would be seeing that soon.

Percy seemed to be different. Something was definitely wrong, but Annabeth felt that this was one of the few things that she shouldn't stick her nose in. Surprising, isn't it?

A silence fell over Percy and Annabeth and Annabeth again, scanned her surroundings. She always thought that Athens was the most beautiful city-state in Greece, but she realized now that Crete had its own beauty. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue and the water was almost glassy—you could see all of the plants growing on the sea floor and all of the sea animals milling about. The building weren't as complex as the ones in Athens but were unique and beautiful despite their simplicity. Just by looking around her, Annabeth could tell that the buildings didn't matter as much to the people of Crete as the water features and docks and boats did. In fact, everything was prettier outside. And everyone was outside. Everyone was eating in the outdoors pavilion and everyone was practicing fighting in the outside amphitheater. Even the children were having class outside in the courtyard.

The air around them was full of life. People bustled around the streets, carrying children or sometimes even weapons, but they all stopped to talk to each other. There was no hostility or staring at the ground, avoiding eye contact, or any murmured I'm busy 's.

The people of Crete were all friends. Or at least they acted as if they all knew each other and talked everyday. It was no wonder that Crete's army was a force to be reckoned with. The people didn't have to bury old disputes with one another or inane arguments. They all worked as a team. As one. As an army should.

Sparta's army, led by Ares, always came out on top, but only because of their fierceness and rule of no mercy. They didn't work as a team, they worked as individuals, seemingly fighting against one another to become the ultimate warrior, and one day, that would be their down fall. They had to prove themselves, but Annabeth was almost certain that Crete battalions didn't care who looked the best when fighting—it wasn't about self righteousness for them.

They wanted to win as a team.

Percy was looking at Annabeth like he was expecting her to talk. "Did you say something?" Annabeth asked, not meaning to be rude.

Percy made a face. "I just was asking if you minded where we sat."

"Oh, sorry," Annabeth murmured, looking around at the pavilion. "I don't really care I guess. I mean, I don't know anybody but you."

Percy cracked a grin, but Annabeth couldn't fathom why, for she only felt pathetic, not amused. "Okay," he said slowly, as if he was thinking, "my friends should be here soon and we could sit with them. If that's okay with you . . . "

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