Erik VS Raoul

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Raoul sat in the bar and drank his glas Meg came in and asked him to take Christine and they boy and go. Meg wanted to get Erik's atension not Christine. She wanted to be the star that Erik needed not her! But Raoul was'nt scared of him, he had bested him Before. Just then he saw Erik with his  White mask and his well trained body and said.

"Not afraid of me you say? stupid boy, as you say you've beteen me Before but that was along time ago Vicompte, and we were playing a different game." Erik made a deal with Raoul that if Christine sings she stayes here with Erik and Raoul leaves for good. Is not, Raoul takes Christine back to Paris and Erik will pay the debts.

Raoul Went to Christine to make shore she would stop the show.

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