Secrets of Dark Woods Circus

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Ciel and his servants were able to get seats near the front. Most made way as they recognized a noble.
Chatter filled the tent, everyone was excited and curious about the children.
Lights dimmed and chatter came to a halt.
In the center of the ring, a light shone. It was the ringmaster. "Ladies and gentlemen thank you all for coming to Dark Woods Circus! I am the ringmaster! Let me introduce you all to my children!"
The crowd clapped.
"We have the twins, Rin and Len! Our jugglers and clowns!" Rin and Len appeared within the darkness. They wore a yellow onsie with colorful buttons. Rin had red stripes on her side while her brother had blue. They were juggling knives and balls.
"Next we have," The ringmaster continues introducing the children. Ciel and his servants paid attention to all of them.
"Next is our tightrope walker who is also our snake mistress, Alice!" Above the stage was a tightrope. In the center was a girl being held upside down by snakes who were holding her by the ankles. The crowd gasp. "She's also our veliquestrist!" Ciel and Sebastian stared at the girl, she looked a lot like Snake. Snake on the other hand had wide eyes.
Alice then started to swing and threw herself up and caught the rope just as the snakes quickly attached themselves to her. She then walked on the rope with 2 heavy snakes. She then started doing twirls and flips. She ended with a bow at the center of the rope. The snakes also bowed before slithering away from the rope.
Alice then let herself fall making the crowd gasp and yell. She was quickly catched by another girl who was in a trapeze. "We have Meiko our trapeze artist!" Yelled the ringmaster. Meiko, a red hair girl held Alice by her wrists. "And we have Gumi as well!" Another girl appeared with green hair and started swinging around. Meiko jumped and flipped. She arranged herself to be carried by the ankles from Gumi as the green hair was upside down. Alice was still held by the wrists and held upright.
Meiko then let go of her where Alice safely landed on the stage. Immediately, snakes gathered around her wearing either bowties or top hats.
All the girls and snakes bowed.
The crowd clapped and the ringmaster chuckled, "Wonderful as always, next our last two!!" The girls and snakes quickly left the stage. "Our blue cannibal beast, Kaito! And our diva princess, Miku!"
A blue hair boy with pale skin came to the stage with a collar around his neck. A leash was also attached and held by a long teal hair girl with goat legs.
"Miku is our singer, give an example Miku!"
Miku then started sing a sad and beautiful song. Kaito sat down like a dog and wagged his butt.
The crowd clapped and the ringmaster continued," Kaito is our beast fighter! He can fight wild dogs and win!" With a snap of his fingers, a wild dog came running in. Kaito growled and protectively went in front of Miku in all four of his limbs. Miku let go of the leash and Kaito ran towards the dog.
Bites were given and scratches. Kaito fought hard and the crowd were cheering. A few were frowning however at the violence. Ciel frowned at the act.
Eventually, Kaito won and started eating his prize. The crowd cheered thinking it was an act but Kaito really did start eating the dog. The ringmaster gave Alice a stare and the girl nodded. This action did not slip by Ciel and his servants.
Alice stared at Miku.
"Kaito, come back!" She called out as Kaito obeyed her and ran towards her, blood on his face. He happily gave her his leash and the two walked away.
"Young master, there was a small snake around the girl's neck. It hissed just before she called the boy back. Says Don." Snake reported softly.
"The girl is blind." Sebastian reported.
"Well that would make sense." Ciel muttered.
"Now those are all my children, let's start the show!"
The performers all went back to stage and began their acts. Everyone in the audience is having a wonderful time.
"Snake, the snake mistress, Alice, is she a relative of yours?" Ciel asked as he noticed his footman only paid attention to the girl.
"Yes, she's my little sister" Snake said.
"Little sister?" Ciel clarified. Snake nodded. "She went missing when she was five years old. She was in her room and then she just disappeared. I have been searching for her until I was caught and performed in the circus."
"Well that was unexpected." Sebastian said. "She may help us. She already plays large role here."
"She might be the ringmaster right hand but forced." Ciel said.
Snake hoped so.
"Mommy, that girl has a big snake! Can I touch it?!"
"No sweetie, you have to ask first but she's busy you see."
Alice heard the conversation and shrugged. Might as well entertain them, that is her job.
Alice called over Elliot, one of the bigger snakes but also the most gentlest one. Elliot wrapped himself in her arm as she walked towards the family.
"You may touch him if you wish." Alice said through the snake. The little boy grinned as he came closer. The mother looked scared and worried for her son's safety. "Don't worry, my snakes are well trained. They won't hurt anyone." Alice said through the snake as she looked towards the mother who nodded. "Unless I tell them too..." Alice thought.
The little boy enjoyed touching Elliot. Soon, other kids came closer to touch him.
"Ladies and gentlemen thank you all for coming but it is almost time to end this show! We will take a 30 minute break. Please enjoy the games and food here." The ringmaster said.
The children then all bowed and left the stage.
The claps and cheers were heard as the curtain came to a close.
The children soon scattered to their booths.
"Alice," The ringmaster said stopping the girl. "Go get Luka. Her session is over. Also, try and find a lost child. We will need another sibling soon." He smiled evilly.
Alice nodded and left. She put on her cape and covered her head with a hood. The snakes immediately latched them self on her and hid under the fabric.
"This is a perfect chance to look around. Let's search for Alice as well. She might have the answers we need." Ciel said.
"Yes my Lord" His servants said.
"Says Wordsworth" Snake added.
Alice slammed the door open. "Oi your time is up." Alice said monotone from under her hood.
A man near his fifties glared at the intruder as he kept going with a pink hair teen who silently cried. "I don't take orders from a small child like you! How about you join us?" He leered. Alice glared from under the hood and soon, multiple snakes came out of hiding and swarmed the man.
"Your time is up." She repeated coldly as the man fell off the bed in fright. "I suggest you change then leave. Blood will see you out." Alice said as a red and white snake came closer to the frighten man. She soon came closer to Luka and covered her with her cape. "Let's go Luka-nee..." Alice said softly from Elliot.
Luka nodded and soon left the man with Blood who started to hiss.
The girls entered the older's girl room. Alice silently helped Luka get cleaned and changed. Luka was also a singer but since she was older, was also used as a way to get more money.
Luka nodded in thanks and returned her cape.
Alice took it and wore it before leaving. She started headed towards the crowd before suddenly getting a message from Dum. She quickly ran towards the tent where children often changed to get ready.
"Find clues in this tent." Ciel ordered. This tent was the only one unsecured. Others had the performers near it.
"This only seems to be a changing room. Says Don." Snake said as he searched through a trunk.
Sebastian then snatched a huge snake from a closet. He grabbed it wear it remain still but the snake still hissed angrily. "Unguarded eh."
"What an unusual snake..." Ciel commented. The snake was a dark navy blue color and a clock like mark on the underbelly.
The snake continued to hiss and this time, Snake's snakes joined in.
"What are they saying?" Ciel asked Snake.
"Why I look like his mistress and what are we doing in his territory. Says Emily."
"That is a good question. I also would like to know." A hooded girl said as she entered the tent. Her snakes swarmed around her as they hissed angrily.
"Alice!" Snake said coming closer to her.
"Nii-san..." Alice said as she lowered her hood. Her snakes hissed in warning.
Snake hugged Alice as she gently gripped him. Her snakes backed off as they noticed their mistress's happiness.
"You're alright..." Snake said.
Alice nodded.
Now that she's up closer, the resemblance is real. Her grey hair was similar to Snake. She had yellow eyes instead of Snake's green but both were snake like. She didn't have patches of snake skin on her body though. Her circus outfit consisted of a white puffy sleeve dress with black buttons and collar. The skirt was pleated with a black stripe at the bottom. She wore black and white striped socks that went up to her thighs. She had a black choker that held a cat bell around her neck. Black boots and elbow length gloves completed the outfit with a huge white bow on her head. The bow had a red gem cut into a heart at the center.
"Sorry to spoil this reunion but..." Sebastian started, "This snake is getting angier."
Alice looked at him, "Let him go then. Julius come." She said as Julius moved his mouth.
Sebastian followed her request and the snake immediately went towards Alice and hissed in warning at the intruders as he wrapped himself around her neck.
"I apologize, he's protective of me and his territory." Alice said softly as she snuggled with him. Her lips didn't move yet they could hear her.
"You are very talented at veliquestrist." Ciel said.
"Thank you..." Alice said using Julius. She then blinked. "Hey wait, don't change the subject. What are you doing here?"
"Alice, this circus kidnaps children and deforms them." Snake said.
"I know that. All children here participate in it, cause if we don't, we get punished..."
"Acid right" Ciel questioned.
Alice nodded. "I'm a good girl so I don't get hurt."
"Why didn't you leave? You could get away with your snakes." Ciel asked.
"Nii-san once said if I'm lost, stay in one place and he'll come get me. So I stayed here." Alice said through Julius.
The men went dot eyed at her reason.
"If I were to escape, then I wouldn't have any place to go like Miku-nee said. That's why we all stay even though we hate it. No one would take care of us the way we are. Like Kaito-nii. He likes to eat cold things, mostly arms." Alice said through Julius. "Why are you here? Are you here to help us?"
"I just need you to answer a few questions" Ciel said.
After a few questions, Ciel said he would end this. He got enough evidence for it since Alice explained what went on backstage.
"What about us? What will happen?" Alice asked.
"You will come to my manor as a mouse catcher or something. Snake is my footman." Ciel said waving a hand. "It is up to the Queen to decide on the other children.
Alice nodded. Dum than began to hiss. "Gomen I am needed by the ringmaster."
"You can tell?" Ciel questioned.
"This snake, Dum, has a brother. They can communicate telepathically. His brother, Dee, is on stage waiting for orders." Alice said.
"Where did you get these snakes?" Sebastian questioned.
"...Wonderland. It's where I went when I went missing." Alice said quickly as she went closer to the exit. "The snakes were gifts over there so that's why they are special. Gomen I really have to go or I'll get punished. I'll explain later."
"Take Don." Snake said as the snake slithered from his shoulders to his sister's shoulder. "That way we can find you again. Says Emily."
"Okay Nii-san. You all should go back to the show. It's almost time." She then quickly left.
"Sigh, I will talk with the Queen soon." Ciel said. "Let's get going."
"Yes my Lord" the servants said. "Says Wordsworth" Snake added.
"There you are Alice." The ringmaster said. "The twins lured a boy into the forest. You know what to do."
Alice nodded. She then left the tent and entered the dark forest. "Oh there you are Blood." Alice said as the snake slithered towards her. "Just in time too. Pierce, find Rin and Len." She asked as the tiny, brown snake slithered towards a direction.
"Mommy, where are you?" A boy Muttered as he cried. He followed the twins in fascination before realizing he was lost in the forest. He started to cry harder again. He was too deep in so he couldn't hear the circus anymore.
Soon he heard a hissing. He whipped his head towards the sound. He hoped it was one of the snake girl's snake and not a wild one.
"I'm sorry" was the last thing the boy heard before darkness consumed him.
Chapter two finally published!! Yessss!! Please don't get used to long chapters like this. I just kept going and didn't know a good ending place ^^;
Also! My best friend drew Chibi Alice! She owns the drawing :D

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