Funny name for a drink but that is what fooled me and that is also the reason why I, Johanna Clair, ordered it in the first place. Like come on, who would even name a drink as vulgar as it sounds. But boy oh boy it was like heaven, screw chocolates; I haven't tried once so when I did, I cannot stop. So I ordered dozen of those without looking at its price tag and this is when I start cursing my self.

The only day that I give to myself after 2 years of non-stop working did I ever made the most stupid move ever. Like when will luck be ever at my side?

Although this night is not really that bad; I had fun after all and going clubbing really did took my build up stress of 2 years away. The music was really in my liking and the vibe in this club is good, you can feel that people are decent but wild at some point. Plus, that drink is as good as heaven so I am not regretting it a bit.

I practically wasted my one month of hard work for a piece of drink. I could make a run for it since the bartender, handsome as hell may I add is busy making drinks for the other costumers and although it was a strong one, I am not that drunk. But my better judgment said no, so I may have to pay this crap.

Finally, the bartender came to me with that oh so sweet smile asking me for more but I rejected and asked for the bill, I don't want to add more pain to my already crying wallet.

When I was about to take out my wallet, he stopped me and said "Don't worry, it was already paid" but I was to shocked that I literally fell off my stool. "What? I haven't even paid you yet."

He laughed; stop laughing you dimwit, "it was paid by someone, beautiful. Someone may have a crush on you."

"Oh no please, you are so hilarious. Just give me my bill so I can go home." But he just winked at me and gave me something that looks like a card.

I flipped it and was shocked by what was at the back. Written by a very skillful hand stated:

A beautiful face does not deserve a pretty frown. You may not know me but I am happy to lift your problem. You are welcome btw.


And with that the message ended. NP? Who is NP?

I called for the bartender but he was acting as if I am not there. I've had enough so I went straight to the dancing floor and look for a blonde haired girl. I really want to get some rest.

I finally found my best friend who was at the moment shoving herself as if life never mattered. As I pulled her out off the guy she looked at me pissed but as soon as she saw it was me, her face soften, "ready to go home?"

"No, you can stay though but I think I can call it a night. And girl, I approve of that guy, he is matter of fact looking like he is a model came out from the fashion show." I simply cannot ruin this night for her and I think she is having fun. Compared to her, she had it easy all her life but sometimes, that girl needs her moments and I want her to have it.

Deciding that I will let her have her night, I hugged her and waved her complaints but not before reminding her to be safe and if anything happens I will kill her. I'm a big girl; I can go home by myself.

Since sitting at the stool at the bar, I had this urged to walk home and it just felt right. I know it will clear up my mind about this day. Thank God the streets are well lit and people are still strolling around; nothing will happen; I am sure of it.

Just a couple more blocks away, I felt someone was following me but when I looked back, no one was there.

Hoping that it was just my imaginations, I fastened my pace more like running. When someone suddenly grabbed my arm and forced me to stumble back. I yanked my arm and tried to break free when I felt a stinging sensation at my left cheeks.

It angered me so much! Who in their right mind hit a woman? Is chivalry really dead at this generation? I was so fed up with all the drama and stress for one day, I was about to hit where it hurts the most when a light suddenly appeared at the background.

A man came rushing out of the vehicle and pointed a shiny object at me. Oh no, he was pointing it straight at my assailant. Wait, is that what I think it is? A FUCKING GUN!

"Release her" he demanded. I couldn't see his face but something tells me that he won't kill me, like I can trust this guy. I felt the man behind me trembles before pushing me, and falling at the hard concrete. I felt pain in my arm and I know that tomorrow morning, I'll be seeing a huge bruised right there.

I looked at my assailant and noticed that all the color in his faced vanished. When I turned my back and faced the man who helped me, he was still pointing the gun at the guy. Putting all my efforts, I tried (key word "tried") to get up.

"Thank you but could you please lower your gun. He means no harm now. Right?" I faced my assailant and heard a faint yes. "You should go now. Once I found out that you are still harming innocent people, I would gladly take your life by myself." with a smile and that sarcastic tone, I didn't know that that guy would take my fake acting for real but he did. I stopped myself from laughing when he tripped a lot of times getting away from me. One problem down, one more to go.

Brushing my locks away from my eyes and preventing tears to come down, I turned to my savior when I unexpectedly felt light weighted and then was greeted with darkness.

This night will be included to the book of worst day ever. Period!


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