Chapter 2 - You Look So Familiar

Start from the beginning

"For a person like you, that was quite a good, long, well-narrated story!" Abigail was impressed by Ashley's improvement.

Because of that, Ashley got flattered... and then ended after around 2 seconds. "Anyway, that's not my point. I WANT TO BE A PART OF YOUR RESEARCH!"

Abigail was bewildered upon hearing what her sister just said.

"I mean it, Abby! After seeing lots of people participating at your research, I figured... I wanna be a part of it." It looks like Ashley's intention was real. "Also, I work on a discount with people like you. I'm 10% off of what you pay to others, baby."

Abigail contemplated about it. She thought if Ashley can do it without any possible bad condition.

"I'll think about it."

"That's what I'm talking about!" Ashley stood up happily and left the room.

Meanwhile, Abigail looked troubled. "Oh, this is a big mess."


Meanwhile, after taking care of her two boys in her mansion-like house, Sara went to her husband's mini office at the lower ground. It looked organized and tidy. Her husband was writing something on lots of paper, probably documents urgently needed.

Sara sat in front of her husband. "Honey, I need your help."

"How did you get in?" her husband asked.

"The door is open."

Sara's husband looked at the door, and it was indeed open. "Very well. Anyway, what do you need?"

"Do you know someone who is free until the end of October? Like nothing to do at all, no work, no important matters, no office," Sara asked.

"Yes, jobless people who has been slacking for their lifetime." her husband answered sarcastically though.

"I'm serious!" Sara said with a straight face.

When Sara's husband stopped signing to look at her, he suddenly remembers. "Your cousin! He's free until the end of October! He got suspended at work!"

"Who, Eddy?"


"But why is he suspended?" Sara became curious.

"I don't know, family problems? You know how Cornerwalls could get. Besides, that reason is also why I have shitloads of paper right now," her husband replied, continued signing the papers.


So Sara drove her way to Downtown to see her cousin, Edward.

Her cousin's condominium was tall and classy. There were lots of paintings -both abstract and realistic- in the lobby. Vending machines are also available for convenience. A huge chandelier was hanging on the ceiling. Since it is an afternoon, the chandelier's light was not on yet. The sun outside illuminates the place through the glass windows. Cars passing by could be also seen.

Sara went to the male receptionist and said, "I'll visit my cousin, Edward Cornerwall. Penthouse."

"Just sign your name here," the receptionist instructed, giving Sara a big book and a pen.

After signing the required credentials, the receptionist instructed, "Take the elevator to the left and go to the last floor."

So Sara followed the instructions. When Sara made it in front of the room, she rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?" the man inside asked.

"Your cousin, Sara Calloway," Sara replied.

It took a while before Edward opened the door. He was just wearing a white undershirt and red boxers. "What do you want?"

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