Chapter 1 - Lake City, Florida

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The Outbreak

Two Months have passed since the plague started and Chris recently found out. A 30 year old with brown hair, and a nice shaved chin. From miles away you can see his face, and his stand-up position.
"I want those cookies for my daughter" Chris tells the Popeyes employee.
"Sir, have you heard the news. A plague has covered America, and now we are in danger" The employee said
"What's your name" Chris said
"I'm Damian, what's your name"
"I'm Chris, I'm headed to look for my family"
"Where are they"
"North Carolina"
"That's a long way to go, you know"
"I know, I'm headed there, but first, do you have a family"
"Yes, they are here in Lake City. I need to get to them. I can't get out because of the walkers at the door. They are hungry and thirty for blood"
"If I help you get your family, will you help me get there" Chris asked
Chris took a blueprint from Damian and sought out a way out. He grabbed a crowbar from the back and took the air vents out. Chris climbed, and soon Damian followed. They made it to the roof and saw the horde of walkers at the front and back doors.
"Now what" Damian said
"Is there a way down"
"There was, a ladder but as you can see someone took it down"
"Follow me"
Chris got down from a side and eventually began to ran to the Lake City Police Department. They entered and blocked the door from the upcoming walkers.
"Have you ever used a gun before" Chris asked.
"Never, I'm a Popeye employee"
"I was a once Police Sheriff Deputy in King County, Georgia, but retired months ago, before all this happened"
"Really, so you do know how to use a gun" Damian said.
"Here is a simple handgun, is a Desert Eagle" Chris said giving the pistol to Damian.
"Thanls, how does it work"
"Press the hilt once you pull the gun neck back, then BOOM"
*whistle as in love* "Look what we have here, my gun, the Colt Python, given to me by a friend at the Sheriff Department in Georgia"
"Where is that 'friend'" Damian asked
"He-we haven't talk in months, and now that telephones and shit ain't working then I will need to look for him" Chris responded.
Hours have passed and Chris equipped himself with a lot of guns and rifles.
"Ready?" Chris asked
Chris and Damian kept walking and shooting walkers as they walked down the road.
"What's the plans " Chris asked Damian, who was walking slowly behind him
"If I know Delina Hill, she would head for The Lake City CDC" Damian answered.
"How many are them" Chris asked
"Just my wife and her brother" Damian said.
"Nice to know, hey watch" Chris said as a walker approach Damian. Damian took it out with his Desert eagle.
The duo began to a road and thought they were lost. They know they are in Louisiana Street, in the four way cross. In here was a small camp made by survivors.
"Whose your leader?" Chris asked
"It is me" a man, about 30 years old, with blonde hair, white skin began to walk towards Chris and Damian.
"I'm Luis, leader of the Louisiana Group, what do you have to offer for coming through my camp" The man said as he breath to Chris face
"I can offer anything you want, but we are headed for the CDC here at Lake City" Chris said pushing Luis a little to the side
"Good, we will go with you, I got ten men and we are few, but together we will get there" Luis said taking out his rifles from a bag.
"Ready?" Luis asked
"I'm always ready" Chris said as they left the Louisiana St. Camp and venture onwards.

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