Black Ferrari Squad

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Autumn has always been my favourite time of the year. The leaves are painted red and orange, falling to the ground when the wind rustled by. The leaves were falling. Like my heart.

I scanned the high school grounds before me with despair. Everyone was in groups. The cheerleaders were huddled by the school, already holding pompoms and chewing pink bubblegum. Their skirts were dangerously short. I turn away as the blondest of the blondes glared at me with her icy blue eyes.

This is what high school is like.

Another group of guys ran across the field, sweat dripping down their necks. Their eyes were trained on a black and white ball rolling across the grass. The Goths stood in the shadows of the school corners, raven black hair covering half of their faces and black painted on their lips. The skaters surfed around, performing fancy flips on their neon skateboards. Nerds already had their faces in a book with glasses perched high on the bridge of their noses.

I wasn't pretty enough for a cheerleader, the blue eyed girl made that very clear. I wasn't sporty enough to be a jock, too content to be a Goth, too dumb to be a nerd, and lets just say skateboards are not my thing.

I let out a sigh of defeat. This was so pathetic. I should've never asked my mother to move here. But he was back there, And I couldn't stand him. I shrug off the memories and I decide to just stand here like an idiot. I was about to head into the school when the conversations in the school yard stop. I follow their stares and my eyes meet silver ones.

The cheerleaders were suddenly fixing their hair and popping bubble-gum bubbles. I blink. Even the Goths cracked a smile.

I look around, bewildered by this strange occurrence. I hear an engine purr as 4 guys stepped out of a sleek black Ferrari 458 Italia, now parked in front of me. I watch in awe, like the rest of the school as 5 guys stepped out of the car. They moved in perfect harmony, like they were connected in some way unexplainable by anyone.

I could feel their eyes on me. They were beautiful silver ones. He had a sculpted face that belonged in a Greek god museum. I held his gaze for a couple seconds until a low growl rippled through one of the guy's chest. I took a step back, involuntarily. He was vibrating and his eyes were livid yellow as they were trained on me. The rest of them had tense shoulders and a forced smile. All but the silver eyed boy. He was calm and relaxed, but he watched my reaction intently. I was confused beyond measure. Was there something wrong with me? I bite my lip when I see silver eye walk towards me. He covered the distance in less than 5 quick strides.

"Hey." He said coolly, shoving his hands in his pockets. Up close, I was shaken and suddenly had the urge to blush. His silver eyes pierce mine and I find it impossible to look away.
"Hi, I'm Rosella" I reply, his gaze still penetrating me. I heft my backpack higher on my shoulder as it slides off. He offers to carry it for me. I quickly shake my head. It was kind of him to offer. You don't find many gentlemen out here anymore. 

"So, you're new here." He grins, kicking a rock across the ground. It landed at the heels of a cheerleader, the same one who shot me darts a couple minutes ago. She started making her way towards us, more towards him than me. The silver eyed boy rolled his eyes and took a step in the opposite direction, uninterested where the other four guys stood, still in front of the black car. They seemed more relaxed than they were a minute ago.

I hesitated before following him. Five steps ahead, he turned to look at me. "They don't bite, you know?"

I raise an eyebrow. "They looked like they were going to kill me." He chuckled and urges me to follow him. "If they lay so much as a finger on you, I'll hurt them."

"I'm Caleb by the way." He shoots me a comforting smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Rosella."

I liked the way my name rolled so smoothly off his tongue. It felt natural and refreshing, gave my name a new ring. Caleb approaches the car with a cool smile and I let my hair cover my face. I try to smile but it was too silent. Too awkward.

"I'm Rosella." I break the silence with an unwavering voice. I look behind them. "Nice car."

The guy leaning against the car crosses his arms with a smirk. "You know what car this is?" He challenged. I scoff.

"Who doesn't know?" I smirk back. "It's the Ferrari 458 Italia."

The guys exchanged looks. I couldn't tell if it were good or bad sign. "The McLaren P1 is an impressive car as well." I say out loud by accident.

"First girl I met that spoke car." He smiles. "Welcome to the squad."

Caleb ignores him and starts introducing everyone to me. The guy with the car was named Lucian, he drove the car. Alex was the one with the bold red streak in his raven black hair. Alex seemed to be in a bad mood this morning, he snorted when Caleb said his name. Maybe that's just what he's always like. Caleb continues his introduction. Klein had greeted me with a gentle smile and soft brown eyes, the colour of melted chocolate. Gray was saved for last. He was the quietest of them all, but he had a way of telling stories through his eyes, a magnificent golden colour. Just like Lucian's.

"Are you and Lucian related by any chance?" I give it a shot. Gray nodded and I bite my lip. Now I could see the resemblance. The hair, however weren't the same colour.

"I dyed my hair black." Gray admits. He looked over at Lucian's shiny platinum blonde hair. "There's no way my hair would be that colour."

"Gray and I are distant cousins, but platinum blonde has always run in the family." Lucian explains, running a hand through his golden, almost white hair. I laugh, I could understand the struggles of having such light hair.

"Black hair suits you, Gray." I compliment him. He nods but doesn't say a word. The bell rang shortly, loud and shrill, screeching at us to get to class. I hitch my backpack on my shoulder and take a few steps back, retreating in the direction of the school. Caleb and Klein offer to walk me to class. I thank them whole-heartedly.

"So have you made any other friends besides us?" Klein asks politely. I groan. I actually didn't.

"Nope." I sigh and pull my folded schedule from my bag. Klein takes it from me and skims it. "Most of the time you'll be with us anyways, so don't worry."

I thank him again as he backs away to his first class. "Take care of yourself, Rosella. Later Caleb."

We watch him jog to his next class and I sigh. History. Caleb guides me to the front door and opens it. "Ladies first." I enter with a smile, hoping for an amazing year but the first face I see, back propped up against the wall was 'him'. This boy was about to ruin my next four years of what was supposed to be a perfect school year.

Hi friends,

I am just here just to check on the book stats after a long time and I am so so happy that it's hit 10k recently. I did want to say that I wrote this entire series within a couple weeks almost 2 years ago. This is not the best work I have done.. The plot is messy and the writing is sloppy. My quality of writing has improved lots since then and I am thinking about putting out another werewolf book series when I have the time for it. I am currently in school (grade 10) so please be patient with me.

Thanks for reading !!


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