Ambulance-My Chemical Romance

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"And if you save my life, I'll be the one who drives you home tonight. And if I ever let you down, I'll be the one who drives you home tonight. Remember, once you walked this kind of life. Quietly, I'll sleep behind the wheel and passing every face you see the first time. Singing every piece as you walk by, proving that with all of my mistakes that we are not the same."

Three weeks later, we're both released from the hospital. We still have casts on our legs, but all the bandages are off. Phil's cuts have healed, but he's left with some scars, fewer than I thought he'd be left with. The major ones are where he had stitches, and a few are on his arms where the glass cut kind of deep.

We called Louise to come pick us up since neither of us can drive, and we don't have a car either. We get home after an hour drive of awkward silence. Phil and I hobble up the stairs and collapse on the couch. I've never done so much physical activity in my life. I'm gonna skip ahead in time because nothing interesting really happens for the next few weeks except me apologizing to Phil an annoying amount of times.

Phil initially wasn't able to speak when we left the hospital, but is slowly getting his voice back. At first, his voice was really squeaky and extremely quiet. Like, the room had to be absolutely silent so you could hear him. Now, it's a few weeks later and he can say full sentences at a normal volume, he just can't be loud yet.

We haven't been fighting, thankfully. But I'm still depressed. I've made an appointment with a therapist for after I get my cast off.

"Hey Phil, do you want to order a pizza?" I suggest.

"Sure, but who's going to get up when the doorbell rings?"

"Oh, right. Being a cripple is so boring!I can't do anything!" I yell exasperatedly.

"Dan, how do you think I feel? We're in the same boat." Phil tries to calm me down, but he's only made it worse. He reminded me that I did this to him. He didn't say it, but my brain corrupts everything anybody says lately.

"Phil, I'm sorry this happened. It's all my fault. And I'm sorry I keep complaining, I know you have it worse. I'm probably the worst husband ever. Why are you still with me?" I question him.

"One, it's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself. And two, you're not the worst husband. You're wonderful, and I love you so much, Dan. I wish you could see that you're not as horrible as you think you are. You're the love of my life and it kills me when you think of yourself like that."

I smile and lean over to kiss him. "I love you too." We cuddle the rest of the day and watch Netflix. I guess you could say we Netflix and Phil. Okay, I'll stop.

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