"Aw, come on. Let's go a little longer. I'm pumped up!", she said.

"No, Sugu. Asuna's right. We should get some rest and continue tomorrow. We don't have school, so we can play all day tomorrow.", Kirito said.

"Ok, but we will definitely come back tomorrow.", Sugu said.

Kirito reached for Asuna's hand. Their fingers intertwined. Asuna felt a jolt of electricity at his touch. She still gets that even after two years of dating. They all took their wings out and flew out of the dungeon. The night was chilly and snowy, so they stopped right outside the entrance to put on their winter clothes. The fairies flew through the sky, only to land back at the small cottage.

Asuna unlocked the door and stepped in to find it was nice and toasty inside. She looked at the wood burning stove, working hard to keep the house warm. Asuna walked over and turned it down. She didn't want it to burn the house down. Not after all the memories they had in it.

Sugu and Silica plopped down on the couch. Kirito went into the kitchen to get the hot cocoa they had made earlier. He poured some into five glasses and took them out into the living room. Yui changed into her full size and sat on the couch, sipping at the liquid.

Yui no longer wore the white dress she wore during the summer but had a pink sweater with a ruffly blue skirt and little brown boots. Asuna had made the outfit for her to wear when they were in SAO. Yui had aged, though. Now she was almost 4. She looked to be about 10 years old, though. Asuna forgot that she could grow.

Asuna sat next to her daughter, who sat beside Kirito. Silica was already asleep on their couch, curled up into a little ball, snoring softly. Sugu was starting to show signs of being tired, too. Asuna picked up her mug of hot cocoa and pressed it to her lips. She felt the warmth of the liquid travel down her body. It warmed her whole body, from her ears to her toes.

Kirito put an arm around Asuna, behind Yui. Sugu stood up and put her empty mug down on the table. "Well, I think I'm going to log out. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodnight.", she said, stretching. She poked Silica to wake her up.

"Come on. We should log out and go to bed if you're that tired.", she said to Silica. Silica nodded, sleepily. Asuna laughed internally at how cute she was when she was sleepy. Asuna remembered the days when she was that young. It wasn't too long ago. Silica was a sophomore in high school, now. Silica didn't even stand up, she just brought up the home menu and logged out right there on the couch.

Sugu logged out and the three of them were left alone. Yui set her empty mug down on the coffee table. She looked up at Kirito and then at Asuna and said, "Momma, Daddy, will you spend the night with me tonight? I get lonely when you're gone for so long. Please? I miss you. I haven't spent the night with you in a long time. Not since Momma was locked in the game and Daddy had to save her."

Asuna didn't know how to refuse. She didn't have anything to do tomorrow, so she didn't see the harm in it. She was attending college, so she had to go on Monday, but she didn't see the harm in just spending tonight in the game with her daughter. They both agreed.

Asuna and Yui went into the bedroom to change their clothes into their pajamas. Yui was set so that she had to manually change her clothes. She pulled up the menu and selected pajamas out of her items dock. Asuna just changed her clothes via the menu by selecting the clothes she wanted to wear and clicking on them. They were automatically switched for her day clothes. Asuna had on a pink flannel pajama set that was button up. They were soft and warm.

Yui was wearing a similar set of pajamas, except hers were blue and black. Yui hugged Asuna out of nowhere, Asuna was surprised but hugged her back. Yui looked up at Asuna with a big grin on her face.

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