Chapter I

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It all started 5 years ago, when I just had my braces put on, when I was just about to finish my last year in middle school, right when my life was about to get good. When dating was an option, when the boys were finally older and more mature, I remembered when I thought that would never happen. Yeah I don't think that will ever happen. Not unless I get into necrophilia; of course, I couldn't really do that without catching the disease that ended mankind. Who knows maybe thisone won't end us all, I mean here I am writing in this crappy leather bound journal hoping someone, someday will find it, knowing that humans lived through the apocalypse. The last disease that I learned about that I thought could have killed us all was the plague.At least then the dead stay dead. I would much rather have corpses filling the streets rather than getting chased down the street by twenty of the beasts trying to catch a meal. Too bad boys, I'm not fast food.

I'm on my own right now, living in some run down, boarded up apartment.Sure, it all sounds bad, but not really. I mean there are a lot of food, and plenty of water. If I get bored of one room, I can go to another. Best of all, its zombie free. No boys trying to eat me in my sleep, nor those weirdo lesbian zombies; those run at me out of nowhere. It's the strangest thing, the way they run around in redheels, their ankles clearly extruding from their skin, but yet, theyare still trying to catch me. Sorry ladies, but cats never lived wit hyou from what you ate. I always laugh after a chase from that one; I thought you might have liked it too.

I'm sure your curious to how this all started; well, all that I know is that only a month after having my braces put on the world started intoutter chaos. I was only 13 at that time. My mom pulled me out ofschool, which really sucked because we were starting to learn some easy stuff in Algebra 2, something about polynomials; I can't remember. Anyways while trying to get away, my dad saved my mom while we were getting attacked whilst leaving the city, I still remember that moment... My daddy... I still miss him. Before he died we were running to get away, I was running with my favorite copy of English poems then my next-door neighbor; how disgusting she was,she had blood spewing from her mouth. She smelled like death, she looked like the plague, puss oozing from all of her open wounds. She grabbed my legs and pulled herself to me and then tried to eat me like one of those lesbians do on the T.V my daddy watched before my mommy would yell at him. My daddy beat her with a crow bar smashing the heavy metal rod into her skull and then the woman's lover
came and ripped into the back of his neck and started eating. To this day I still haven't cried about it; I still hope it's all a nightmare that I haven't woken up from yet.

Next my mom and me were driving to leave and the cars tank was running low on gas, so we stopped at a gas station. She went to the restroom,there was screaming and pounding on the walls as I filled up the gas tank, I knew I had to leave her when she screamed out "DON'T GOLESBIAN! RUN! RUN GEORGIE!" I miss being galled Gerorgie, its short for my real name, Georgenious. Which is Gorgeous, and genius put together; like one of those cute relationship names but with good qualities.

 Sometimes I will peak out my window and try to remember what the world was like before and what it would be like now that I am 18. I was just about to start high school; I wonder what it would have been like. I wondered about prom sometimes, my mom would show me her old prom pictures, she looked so happy with my dad, she would tell me that they danced the night away, her arm was filled with roses and her smile was nice and straight, she would tell me that is what mine is going to be like. She told me once I had these braces on for 7 years my teeth would be pretty, and straight. That that is what I have been doing for 5 years! I have been on the search for an orthodontist to remove my braces! 

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