"You didn't try and kill us." Rick stated and I shrugged my shoulders.

"No, I just went into a building with people I didn't even know the name of to try and live longer. I took a chance on you people, on my life, because I knew It might help me live longer." I stated and everyone shifted in the place, knowing damn well I'm right.

"Randell wasn't so lucky, he probably did what I did and it turned out he got they wrong kind of people. He knew trying to leave, get out, would get him killed so he stayed. Now he's out, let's help him."

It was silent for a bit. Everyone taking in what I said. Daryl gave my shoulder a squeeze, Dale nodded at me, And Rick started at me. Like my statement was still be said.

"We could continue keeping him a prisoner, till we see he's not going to harm us." Maggie suggested and I nodded.

"Just another mouth to feed." Shane spit, not liking the fact I might have changed peoples minds. I saw Daryl nod at Shane's word and shook my head trying not to let my anger get the best of me.

I started to rub my stomach, a habit I got after I got the scar. I did it every time I got angry and didn't want to let it out. Daryl noticed it and he cleared his throat and rubbed his neck.

It went on like that, back and forth between the group and dale. I didn't speak up again, figuring my statement was enough already. I was focusing now on trying not to kill Shane right then and there.

Eventually Rick stated we had the floor for a last opinion before we decided. I looked around at everyone and could just picture the with tales between there legs.

"You once said, we don't kill the living." Dale said eyes on Rick. I listened up because I don't remember Rick ever saying that, it must have been before I came in.

"That was before the living tried to kill us." Rick got defensive and tried to justify his past remarks with today's issue. I couldn't help but agree with that statement.

"If we do this, the people we were, the world that we knew is dead, and this new world is ulgy, its...harsh, it's survival of the fittest. And that's a world I don't want to live in. I don't any of you do either, I can't. Please let's just do what's right. Isn't there anybody else who's going to stand with me." Dale gave his speech and looked around at everyone.

"He's right." Andrea said and looked at Dale then me. "They both are, we should try to find another way."

"Anybody else?" Rick asked and no one stood up. I shook my head and looked at Daryl. I didn't expect him to say anything but, I don't know. I looked to Glenn and he looked at me and I shook my head.

"You all going to watch to?" Dale asked, tears in his eyes and everyone just stayed in there place.

I got up from leaning on the wall and moved to Daryl, "You're right," I said making sure the group could hear.

"This groups broken."

I walked out and sat on the porch steps breathing in the fresh air that will soon be filled with a single gun shot, and the earth will have one less living person.

I heard the door open and close and soon saw Dale walking down the steps. He turned around after Hus foot left the last step and looked at me, "Thanks for trying."

I nodded my head and he continued his journey to where ever he's going.


Later that night it was time. Shane and Daryl were to drag Randell to the barn and Rick was to shoot him. I was walking away from the house when I saw Carl going over to the barn. Shit.

Angel Winged Vest ( a Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now