The Sorting

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Luke's POV

As the eight of us arrived, we all quickly went and changed into their robes. After that we got our luggage and got off the train. I instantly heard the booming voice of Hagrid saying "First years, all first years to the boats". All the first years moved in one group over to the boats.

I was joined in a boat with Raven, Hawk, and Phoenix. The others picked the boat right beside us. While the boats finally started moving Josephine started a tickle fight in the other boat and their boat capsized. Phoenix also wanted to join in the fun and started tickling everyone in our boat and eventually we capsized too! Some seventh year saw us and yelled "Be careful there's a giant squid in there", as always Apple got scared and started screaming. Then Hagrid told us there was no giant squid and helped us into our boats.

When we got to the castle, a teacher, I'm pretty sure she was a teacher, greeted us. She said" Hello, my name is Professor McGonagall (so I was right), I am your Transfiguration professor, but right now I will be leading the sorting. Follow me, children". With that she turned and expecting us to follow didn't look back, so we all took a hint and followed her.

Professor McGonagall lead us through the big doors where all the older students were already seated. She set up a chair and put a very old looking hat on it, then said "when I call your name come and sit down on the seat and put the hat on your head. She then proceeded to call names. Out of my group of friends she called me first so I walked over to the chair and placed the hat on my head, in my mind it said "Hmmm.....a cunning fellow, but also loyal, where should I put you....Gryffindor or Slytherin....hmm.....oh, I see lots of regret and betrayal in your future. I shall put you in......SLYTHERIN". I found that my eyes were closed, so I opened them and was greeted with loud cheering from the Slytherin table.

Next, Phoenix was sorted into Hufflepuff, as was Apple. Maria was sorted into Ravenclaw with Robyn. Hawk and Josephine were soon after sorted into Slytherin with me. Now we were just waiting for Raven. After what seemed like ages McGonagall called "Raven Prior". Raven walked up to the sorting hat and placed it on her head. It took a while, I think because she has 2 personalities, she can be rude and she can be nice, the sorting hat finally yelled "SLYTHERIN!". Hawk, Josephine, and I clapped and yelled the loudest out of everyone at our table.

When everyone was sorted a guy named Dumbledore said a boring speech so I dozed off and told Apple to explain everything he said to me later.

I woke up just as the feast began, there was everything I could ever want. Josephine looked like she could die of happiness just by looking at the food. When Dumbledore said we could eat everyone literally attacked the food. The feast ended, and dam (A/N Don't correct my spelling I'm on a roll with not swearing) I'm stuffed. The prefects took us to the dormitories. As always Maria did some studying and found out how to give all of us phones, so she cast that spell and each one of us magically had a phone. Raven told us to make a mental note to ask Dumbledore what the wi-fi password is.

We arrived at the dormitories and were told the password. We walked in and were amazed, the common room, it was huge, had a fireplace, lots of chairs and couches. The boys' dorms were on the left and the girls' on the right. I couldn't wait to talk to my friends via text, so I set off for Dumbledore's, apparently Hawk, Raven, and Jo (I'm calling her Jo from now on) had the same idea, so we set off together for Dumbledore's. On our way the others joined us since they too had our idea. When we reached his office the stone gargoyle asked the password, so we knocked on it's face, and after saying ow he went to notify Dumbledore of us.

Dumbledore came out soon after and asked us what we needed. Raven then asked what a we all were about to ask " what's the wifi password?", a little to early though. Dumbledore laughed and said " sherbert lemon". We all took a minute to enter that into our phones and were connected. We nodded a thanks to Dumbledore just as we left, after that we walked our different ways. 10 minutes after we separated, I got a text from Raven. It read "meet me on the seventh floor.

When I reached the seventh floor I saw all my friends crowded around something, as I came closer I expected to see something interesting. I was surprised when I saw that there was nothing except the wall. Jo noticed me and spoke "finally you're here, you took forever!". I asked them for an explanation as to why they were looking at the wall, and Maria replied "So, we kinda went exploring and when we got here Phoenix dropped her quill and we were looking for it and as we were walking we walking by it three times thinking about where we could find a quill, and the wall magically opened, and inside there was a room full of quills. We thought we should try it again, and we thought of where we could relax together and the wall opened again. After that we decided to text you, so you could check it out".

"If someone is using it and they want the room for something else can they get in?", I asked.

"We don't know", answered Robyn.

"Let's check it out", said Phoenix.

Hawk volunteered to go in, but she told us what room she wanted. I then thought of a bathroom, and walked by the wall 3 times. The wall didn't open. Apple then texted Hawk to tell her to come out. Hawk came out 5 seconds later.

"So what room did you want?", asked Jo.

"A bathroom", I replied.

Maria scoffed then said "Boys".

Soon the girls all had big smiles on their faces and Hawk said "Let's Party!".

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