Chapter 6

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I got into instagram the next morning and saw that I had a dm from someone, Mark. I opened it and there was like 50 messages from him asking if I was able to do the meet and greet and that it was okay of I was busy this weekend and that we could do it another time.

'I'm not doing anything Saturday afternoon if your want to do the meet and greet then.', I replied.

I hit the send button and instantly regretted it. I knew that my anxiety was going to act to, that I was going to make a fool of myself, and that everyone would hate me because Mark thought I was special. And I'm not.

I put my phone down and decided to take a shower. I grabbed one of my Jacksepticeye shirts and black sweatpants before jumping into the shower to clean up and think.

Once I got out and changed I had calmed down enough to know that everything would go fine over the weekend and that not many people would be there. I walked back into my room to hear the dm sound on my phone.

I picked it up to see that Mark had finally replied, 'Saturday about 12:30 work for you? Meet at the coffee shop and walk too the park from there?'

'Yeah that sounds perfect. I'll see you then. :)', I sent back and started to prepare myself for Saturday.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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