Chapter 1

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•Bella's POV•

The wind blows through my cape as I cross the bridge into Camelot. My hands shift under my dress uncomfortably. I am surrounded by people both entering and leaving, no one looks as suspicious as me.

I have one task in this great kingdom, and it is to infiltrate the palace, and decapitate King Arthur Pendragon. My reasoning is not important, however if I fail today everyone that I know and love will be put in grave danger. I can't let that happen.

I tighten the silk rope that is holding together my cloak. My head is kept down as I walk the streets. In every corner I hear the loud shouts of the markets. It's midday and the sun is beading hard today.

With me looking down, I keep bumping into the running children, or the preoccupied adults. Each passing person gives me a rushed sorry then goes along their way. I don't bother replying, instead I stay focused on my task ahead.

"Excuse me?" A man calls out from my side. I don't look up to see who the man is.

Oh no, I've been caught.

I turn to face the man keeping my head low enough for him to not see me, but me see him. He looks like an average man who's just selling small trinkets. How could he figure out who I am?

"Can I interest you in some of the finest clothes in Camelot?" He questions, making hand motions towards the different clothes he has set up. My eyes follow his hand and examine the different types of clothes on display. I could use some to disguise myself, but that would require me to talk. I shake my head no to the man, then turn on my heel to continue walking.

I inwardly slap myself, nagging at myself to stop being so uptight and nervous. I've done this so many times before, and I've never been caught. But somehow this time just feels different. I don't understand why, I just know.


789...790...791...792. 792 steps, I look up and a few yards in front of me is the entrance to the castle. I counted perfectly. Earlier this week I had gone through my regular precautions, making sure I had everything and memorizing the road maps. I literally checked to make sure how many steps were need before each turn and how long the straightaway to the castle was.

Checking my surroundings, it can be seen that there are Knights guarding the entire entrance. So instead, I turn to look around the perimeter of the enormous building. There has to be some place that isn't guarded. This place is to big for there to be otherwise.

After 45 wasted minutes of searching, I find it. The servants entrance is mildly guarded, and all that's needed to get in is a raggedy appearance and some sort of food.

Too fucking easy.

I turn and look towards where the servants are filing out from. One by one each with a different platter or utensil in their hands. They are coming from a beat up carriage. Randomly I choose a girl who looks about my height and weight. Using my speed, in one swift movement I run straight ahead, grab the girl, and run into a space between two buildings. All without being seen or noticed.

"What... Who..." The girl begins to hyperventilate. I quickly use her pressure points to put her to sleep. She falls to the ground with a soft thud. I then switch our clothes, she takes my blue silk dress and I take her worn out top and ripped pants. I use the cloak as a cape and as a final touch I put my hair into a low ponytail. Then I pick up the corn the girl was traveling with and again use my speed to take her place in the line.

When I get into the line the people around me seem confused and bewildered, but I stay calm and collected. The man behind me taps my shoulder, "Veronica, did you feel that?" He asks me. So that was the girls name. I shake my head slowly, not daring to turn around.

A whip slides across my thigh. I don't feel the pain that the man behind me screams in, instead I hear the slash. So acting my part, I try to look as hurt as him. "Get back in line, unless you want it to happen again." One of the Knights beside us says. We both do as told and continue following the servants in front of us.


I keel my head low as we are separated into groups and directed by Knights who are guiding us through the palace. I continue memorizing the floor layout as we go. As I'm being directed I'm given my task list.

Veronica Tyler

1) Clean all bedrooms on fourth floor
-Includes sweeping, dusting, organizing, and making rooms appear in top condition

2) Wait on guest on Friday
-Meet in the kitchen at the break of dawn

"That's the entire fourth floor." The knight who has been guiding me and the four other women who are in charge of the fourth floor tells us. We turn the corner and are directed through a straight hallway that has only one door. The one door however, is grand with gold linings and intricate designs. Across the door on the long wall there are multiple windows down the entire wall with plants on both sides.

"Sir, what's that room?" One of the women questions. Her red hair is put in a messy bun and is vibrant against her dreary clothes. I'm going to call her Ginger.

"That is King Arthur's bedchamber, you are only allowed to be in there with a partner." We all nod our heads at the Knights words. "Now let's be on our way." We continue down a path that leads us down to our rooms which are one level below the castle. I memorize every step and turn we take from the Kings room.

This is too easy.

•End Chapter 1•

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