Someone Is Jelly

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(P.S This is my fav BTR song other than Epic or Big Night!)

Cierra's P.O.V

We came back from the tour when I got a text from one of my friends, Jaymes. (BTW: the names are made up in this part, no one I know was abused, so no one was abused irl) He says his father was released out of jail, and he needed me for protection. I was the strongest person for as long I could know, other than my friend Mia. He said to bring extra protection, he doesn't know btr, so I would bring Megan, Rebecca, and Lily. All of us were friends since Elementary. He lives about 20 minutes away. He said that he was going to bring Ryan and Collin.

Ryan and Collin, both go back. I knew Ryan since preschool, I knew Collin the same way, but I didn't become real friends with him until early fifth grade. Rebecca had a crush on Ryan, and Lily had a crush on Collin. Me and Logan were separated in 1st grade. That's when I met Rebecca. 1st grade was a tough year, that was the one year I didn't have a real friend, in kindergarten my only friend was Logan. I mean, I was friends with everyone, just I never had a friend I could really rely on.

Rebecca waved her arm in front of me, rushing me along. I walked into the car when Logan ran up to me.

"Where the heck are you guys going?" Logan asked.

"I need to see Jaymes, his father got out of jail, and he needs help." I said calmly.

"What about Carlos, James, Kendall, and me?" He asked.

"We already know." James, Kendall, and Carlos came out of the bushes.

"PLEASE DON'T I DON'T WANT TO LOOSE CHU!" Carlos said hugging me.

"Dude, he's just a friend." I said.

"Any kind, any kind, any kind of guy you want." They started to sing.

"Gosh you don't have to act so desperate" Maddie said coming out of no where. Maddie was pretty strong, she was part wolf, part human, so she just randomly appears sometimes, it gets pretty creepy.

"MADDIE!" We all yelled and hugged.

"I DON'T LIKE HUGS!" Maddie yelled in a funny way.

*time skip*

Jaymes' P.O.V

I paced around, the thought of my father being bailed scares me. Collin jumped in front of me making me laugh, I turned around and Ryan was staring at me. I heard a car drive up, unlock the door, and lock it again. Collin walked down in case it was my father. He came back up with Cierra, Maddie, Rebecca, Megan, and Lily. Why are there more girls than boys, Idk, we had some strong girls in our grades.

Rebecca's P.O.V

Jaymes looked really stressed out. Not that I blame him, but that won't last for long. Won't be too long until someone does something really stupid.

"SELFIE!" Cierra yelled and took a selfie with Jaymes. He laughed as she put it on instagram. This won't cause too many harm, it's only a selfie on instagram. What could possibly go wrong? Cierra pulled out car erasers. Jaymes has 1,000+ erasers. He has erasers that function like real cars. Some erasers just stare you down with creepy eyes. Maddie grabbed a black one, Megan grabbed a orange one, Cierra grabbed a blue one, Lily grabbed a red one, I grabbed a blue one, and everyone else got a white one.

"READY, SET, GO!" Maddie yelled in a whisper.

Cierra threw her eraser to the finish line making us all laugh. Cierra could make anyone laugh even in the toughest situations. I grabbed my blonde hair and put it in a ponytail. My hair had a few red streaks in it, everyone loved it.

Carlos' P.O.V

I looked on Cierra's instagram and saw a picture of Cierra and Jaymes! Is she cheating on me?! I suddenly I got really mad/sad and threw a pillow at Logan. Logan looked at me like he was crazy and looked at the photo, he tried to explain but I didn't care. I didn't care about anyone or anything right now. All I cared about was how to get Cierra back.


Jaymes' P.O.V

I heard a knock, and then a slam. I hid under the bed, it had to have been my father. Everyone stood up and headed downstairs. I felt weak at the moment, but if I hid, he might get the jist that I am not here.

Cierra's P.O.V

I ran at the guy who said he came for Jaymes. Ha, this guy was stupid, he was still wearing a prison uniform, way to bust your cover. I punched him in the face. When he took out a knife, at that point all I heard was screams and all I saw was darkness.

Maddie's P.O.V

I growled at the man. He hurt Cierra! I felt my self transforming, into, a wolf? I haven't done this in 10 years! I try to conceal myself in order not to hurt anyone. But if this guy is hurting my friends, I'm gonna hurt him. I threw him into a wall and kicked him where the sun don't shine. I turned around to see Megan calling the cops with everyone leaning over Cierra. I felt someone hit the back of my head, I was already part wolf, so that didn't hurt. I turned around and snarled at him. He backed up into a wall and I punched him right between his eyes, and the top of his nose. He stumbled back again. I kicked him onto the ground and put a foot on him.

I heard sirens, the cops came, Jaymes came running down the stairs frantically. They took his father away and loaded Cierra into a ambulance. We already missed today's visiting hours, so we had to go home.

-Time Skip-

Lily's P.O.V

We all sat down from a tiring day. I stumbled around. It felt quieter without Cierra around. Cierra would always be doing something crazy, or playing Big Time Rush music. I heard a knock and a answered the door. Everyone else came behind me.

"Where's Cierra?" Carlos asked.

Me, Megan, Rebecca and Maddie looked at each other. Oh gawd...


1, 049 words in this chapter! So what do you guys think about Maddie? Should I keep her in the story or have her leave?

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