Taking Care of a Fish

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*One Week Later*

Megan's P.O.V

I'm furious at Logan. Cierra is like a dead fish, all she does is eat, sleep, and sit. She hasn't been up to do anything for 3 days now. I decided to call Logan.

(L = Logan, M = Megan)

L= Hello?
M= Dude, you need to let Cierra see Carlos, she's like a dead fish.

L= I can't


"He hung up" I said.

"I'll talk to him" Rebecca said and walked out.

*Skip to 1:35 in the song*

I heard Carlos singing against the wall, then Logan sang. Logan busted through the door. He ran and hugged Cierra. 

"You can see Carlos again!!!!" He yelled.

Rebecca came in and laughed. Carlitos did get is love back, and Logie kept his love. Everyone except me and Lily had a b- wait.

*time skip*

Everyone was singing, and I was enjoying my time, everyone seemed happy again. James yawned and put a arm around me. I got butties in my tummie. (Don't judge it) 

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